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Development documents

Preyinfo.txt included in the Duke Nukem 3D CD, dated April 19, 1996:
Prey's story and character are still in their infancy stages. None of this should be considered final product, just development info. We want to take the step, since the game is about being hunted, of making the character a Native American. The character will be a successful business person or politician, striking against the stereotypes. While a few aspects of Native American culture will be brought into it, it will be as part of fleshing out the character.

You are a successful Native American, fighting for part of what were your ancestral lands. When the ruling goes against you, you pack up your Hummer and head out to the wilderness to contemplate your future and hope for guidance. Suddenly, there is a blinding flash of light, your skin crawls with electricity and you black out. You wake to find yourself in a hostile alien environment. Strange creatures pour out of every crevice of the odd alien architecture, firing weapons of incredible might. You must find out how to defeat them: master the alien weapons, explore the foreboding battlefields to uncover their secrets, and discover what part you will take in this violent new world.

Tom Hall
Creative Director/Producer/Designer/etc.
Apogee / 3D Realms

Apogee Software
Attn: Tom Hall
3960 Broadway, Suite 235
Garland, TX 75043
(214) 271-1648
Preyweb - a group of HTML documents with Prey specifications and ideas, written throughout 1997 and 1998 by Paul Schuytema and the Prey development team. They are the most complete collection of documents about Paul Schuytema's vision of Prey, and they include:
  • the backstory for the game universe
  • the whole story divided into chapters
  • every chapter divided into levels
  • the weapons
  • the enemies
  • ideas for interactivity
  • a development diary ranging from September 23, 1997 to September 30, 1998
George Broussard "revised" this version in 2001 by replacing all occurrences of the word "prey" with "Dark Harvest" (even when it does not make sense), and almost all occurrences of the name "Talon Brave" with "Tommy Hawk".

Plot 1 - a brief overview of the planned plot. Last modified on September 24, 1997.

Great-grandfather audition - Voice audition text for Talon Brave's great-grandfather (Tommy's grandfather in the final game, still voiced by John William Galt). Last modified on October 13, 1997.

Mary Thunder audition - Voice audition text for Mary Thunder (Jen in the final game). Last modified on October 13, 1997.

Staleene Keeper audition - Voice audition text for the Staleene Keeper (the Mother in the final game). Last modified on October 13, 1997.

Talon audition - Voice audition text for Talon Brave (Tommy in the final game). Last modified on October 13, 1997.

Concept short story - Narration for the first two levels of chapter 1, written as a short story. Last modified on October 13, 1997.

New whole design - Project specifications, including a project schedule, the intended features, the target requirements, the behavior of the enemies, and the planned weapons.
According to the schedule, the shareware episode of Prey was supposed to be released around May/June 1998 (soon after the E3 presentation, when Duke Nukem Forever switched to the Unreal engine), and the game should have gone gold around September/October 1998 (when work was interrupted and Paul Schuytema's version of the game was canned). Last modified on October 29, 1997.

Master plot synopsis - A slightly more detailed overview of the intended plot. Last modified on December 12, 1997.

Dramatica text - Another plot overview, with motivations and feelings for each of the characters, describing how each character evolves during the game. Last modified on December 15, 1997.

Chapter 2 and 3 gameflow - Detailed description of the intended scenes, environments and objectives for the levels in chapters 2 and 3. Last modified on June 11, 1998.

Full Prey story treatment 1 - Description of the whole game story, divided into chapters, in turn divided into levels. Slightly less detailed than the Preyweb version. Last modified on June 11, 1998.

Prey story treatment 6 - Another description of the whole game story. This one mirrors the Preyweb version closely, except that the name "Talon Brave" and the word "prey" are correctly used throughout the document. Last modified on June 11, 1998.

Whole gameflow working July 14 - Detailed description of the intended scenes, environments and objectives for the whole game. Last modified on July 14, 1998.

Working ch4-7 - Descriptions of various intended scripted events from chapters 4 through 7. Notably, the view from the portal at the end of the game is described as "a city, obviously alien in nature": the same setting that was planned for Prey 2 in 2011 by Human Head. Last modified on July 30, 1998.

Prey Designers' Journal - Six journal entries by John Anderson, Loyal Bassett, Allen Dilling, Steve Hornback, David March, Scott McCabe, William Scarboro, Paul Schuytema, and Matt Wood, detailing aspects of developing Prey. Originally featured on Gamecenter by CNET. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Published from December 12, 1997, through November 13, 1998.

Publishing agreement between Apogee, Human Head and Take2, to develop the game. Dated May 2001.

Prey movie script deal - Contract between Scott Miller and Green Monster Films Inc. to develop a Prey movie, that never came to fruition. Dated October 27, 2005.

Prey 2 Franchisable Elements - Document by Scott Miller about the ideas he wanted to introduce in Prey 2, before the IP was transferred to Bethesda.

Prey 2 Talon Brave - Part of an email sent in 2019 by Scott Miller to Human Head, to pitch a spiritual sequel to Prey using elements of their Prey 2 and Paul Schuytema's Prey story.

Plan updates

June 23, 1997, Scott Miller: Wrap-up about E3, Prey, and Duke Nukem Forever:
* First, flying is hell. The flight to E3 was delayed two hours. That sucked. But it was nothing like the flight back in which we were stranded in the plane on the taxi way for nearly two hours in the heat of day while a huge stormed closed down our destination airport in Dallas. Everyone on the plan was soaked in sweat--it was at least 95 degrees in that oven--including this poor family with a baby who spent half its time crying. After two hours of baking (and nothing to drink!) the pilot tells us that it's going to be at least another hour before take-off and that we're going back to the game and connect up to an off-plane air conditioning unit. Thank God, I thought, there is hope I might live through this. Another hour later--still nothing to drink!--and we finally get get the go-ahead and move into the 40 minute long line of planes waiting to take-off, time spent without the benefit of cool air. Why don't these planes have air conditioning when they're on the ground!? There should should be a law against this. (BTW, all the while the folks in first class *were* getting drinks. Grrrrr.)

Okay, we're finally in the air and the everything seems cool (literally). We're spent well over three hours on the ground for a flight that's only suppose to take two hours! But NO, it's not over. The weather god has one last screw to twist into us: As we near Dallas the pilot says the weather has gone bad again and we go into a holding pattern for an hour before we finally get the go-ahead to land. In total we spend seven hours on a plane (half of the time without air conditioning) for a two hour flight, getting one coke and two bags of pretzels. Joy.

Okay, on to the good stuff...

* I love E3. It again ended a day or two too soon for me. I didn't get to see the entire floor and there were many games I missed altogether, or didn't get to spend enough time reviewing. I also didn't get enough time to visit with as many developer friends as I usually do. I did, though, meet quite a few of the new breed of Internet personalities, such as Lithium, Redwood, sCary, RonSolo, and so on. I love what these guys are doing and appreciate fully their high value to the game industry. In fact, these guys are probably more important than the press in some ways because of the we're-part-of-the-public everyman status they have, making their views seem less biased.

* As I said in my last plan, had perhaps the best on-line coverage (ZD-NET came close). Check it out and do a search for Prey to read two good articles on the subject.

* Prey. The response to this game was far beyond anything we could have predicted. Every reporter to a man (and a few women) said it was the most amazing technology at the show. GameCenter wrote "Prey blew our would seem 3D Realms currently has the advantage." And Gamespot wrote "The graphics are so convincing and so fluid that they don't beg comparison to existing games like Quake, but instead to reality itself. We realize that may sound ridiculous, but it's true." Across the board, the press were all dramatically floored by our behind-closed-doors presentation, where we showed all the good stuff we kept from the on-the-floor non-interactive demo. It was funny to see at least four other development companies video taping the floor demo, with some of them trying to hide their badges so as not to be recognized.

* The news is out about Max Payne, being developed by Remedy Entertainment (based in Finland--the team who created Death Rally). Visit for a long preview of this game, including screen shots. We have set our sights sky high with this project and expect it to be a genre creator. This game is not signed with a publisher yet, so until that happens we're not going to be saying too much about it.

* Duke Nukem Forever didn't make a showing. First, it's still at a stage where a lot of critical decisions are being made about it, and second we didn't want to let the competition see many of the incredible new innovations we already have in place. With Duke, we don't need to build up the hype--it's already there. So we can afford to keep the game in our back pocket during this stage of its development. I expect by Xmas we'll crank the Duke hype into high gear, and until that time news will be slow. Above all we don't want Duke to be grouped into the current confusion of Quake-engine games, so we'll let these other games battle it out for several more months.

* Cool E3 stuff:

o Metal Gear Solid (PSX) -- Stupid name. The best looking 3D, third-person action game I saw. Man I can't wait to play this game (and learn from it).

o Dungeon Keeper -- Yikes, this looks good! Peter Molyneux is one of the industries' stars, perhaps the best pure game designer in the business. Unlike some other stars, he's expertly designed games in multiple genres, and invented multiple genres. It's doesn't get any more impressive than that. I love what he said in a recent Edge interview when asked about the secret to game design: "I'm not clever, I'm not brilliant--I'm boring, actually...All I do is take an idea and just play it a million, million just play it and if at the end of it you're not bored with the game, then you know it's right." Amen. This is what we believe here, too, and it's the reason why we never know when our games will be done until they're done. Any game with a solid release date that's more than four months away is a game being designed by someone with a different philosophy, and that's not a good thing.

o The GT Interactive booth was cool, with huge statues of Duke, Lo Wang, and an Unreal creature. Also, GT put together a demo tape continuously running on monitors and one segment had the song Shaft with Duke lyrics. Very funny. We'll try to make this publicly available. Also, the free food (cookies galore, sandwiches, sodas) at the GT booth was great.

o It was cool to see that Scavenger was gone for good. Everything I've heard about the way they mistreated developers is shocking. Two of the Into the Shadows programmers, btw, are on the Max Payne projects. :)

* Uncool E3 stuff: LucasArts' invitation-only booth.

* The 3D gaming scene is definitely improving. The current round of 3D shooters is far more promising than we've seen in the past. It looks like most of these games are trying to copy the interactivity of Duke 3D and Shadow Warrior, which is good. Also, puzzles are getting better and better, avoiding the tired key/door method.

* I don't see how it's possible for Daikatana nor Unreal to make this year.

* Back-scratching: A new game magazine was debuted at the show, Computer Game Entertainment, that looks pretty good. My main reason for mentioning it is because they game Duke 3D their "Best Action Game of 1996" award, beating runner-ups Quake and Tomb Raider. (BTW, Diablo got their "Game of the Year" award.)

Well, got real work to do. I'll have more E3 thoughts next time...

Weekly updates

1996 weekly updates - News from the Tom Hall era, describing various aspects of Prey's development up to its demise in mid-1996. For convenience, all updates have been joined into a single page. Newest updates first, so start reading from the bottom of the page. Last modified in November 1996.

1997-1998 weekly updates - News from the Paul Schuytema era, describing various aspects of Prey's development until the departure of Paul Schuytema, the arrival of Corrinne Yu and her departure in 1999.
Most of the news had been erased in 2000 when Prey was put on hold, so they have been recovered from the Waybackmachine. You will notice that, unlike with Duke Nukem Forever, 3DRealms was never afraid to let the public know what was going on with Prey. This is why Prey's hype has always been under control and the public's expectations for it have always been realistic.
This is a trimmed version of 3DRealms' Prey news archive, without extraneous elements like banners. Last modified on April 29, 1999.

2005-2006 weekly updates - News from the Human Head era, describing various aspects of Prey's development until the release of the game itself and its SDK.
This is a trimmed version of 3DRealms' Prey news archive, without extraneous elements like banners. Last modified on October 14, 2006.

Preditor tutorials

Preditor (the Prey level editor) is embedded in the Prey executable. To run it, you need to create a Prey.exe shortcut that will run the following command line:

PREY.exe +set developer 1 +set r_fullscreen 0 +set com_allowConsole 1 +set r_multiSamples 0 +set r_mode 4 +set r_aspectratio 0 +wait +editor

These tutorials were originally released by 3DRealms on the now defunct PreyWiki, under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5) Creative Commons license. Please note that the Preditor tutorials here require a basic working knowledge of the Doom 3 editor. This is not meant to be a comprehensive tutorial on how to use Preditor.
Here is an archive of sample maps that include all the portal examples talked about in this tutorial section.


1996 Titania interview with Tom Hall, Jim Dose, William Scarboro and Mark Dochterman:
Titania: I noticed you've got quite a background in computer entertainment. One of the founders of id Software, with credits such as Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Rise of the Triad. What was the influence behind choosing this type of work? Was it by chance, or something you planned to do?

Tom Hall: I've always loved games, from Sea Wolf in the arcades to that incredible Christmas when we got the Atari 2600, but on June 9th, 1980, our family got an Apple II+. From that moment on, it was all over. I saw the computer as an amazing medium for creativity and exploration. The excitement I felt that summer-just typing in commands and having the computer do the cool things you told it to-changed my life's direction. I always wanted to do this, but realistically, I felt I'd be in educational software or something. I got a job doing monthly software at Softdisk, in Shreveport, Louisiana. Then I met two of our contributors, John Romero and John Carmack. They later started work on a Gamer's Edge disk, and I snuck in after work to do levels and design. A few months later Adrian Carmack (no relation) started doing art for the disk, and well, I think you know the rest.

Titania: Now you're working on Prey for 3D Realms. Tell me more about the game, story and all.

Tom Hall: You are abducted from Earth, and wake up with a biotech suit on. Not only on you, but parts of it are woven into you, tubes and wires enter muscles, joints, and so on. You'll never be the same again. Alien races are studying six different disciplines of fighting, and you are grist for their mill, meant to be killed as they practice and perfect their study of their chosen discipline. Your job is to survive, which means you must learn how the world works, how to use the alien weapons, and what tactics will work against the strong attackers you're pitted against.

It's a first person action game. The engine has six degrees of freedom (which means you can look in any direction and move in any direction). That's as good as you can get, freedom-wise. The lighting is both pre-computed _and_ dynamic: lights around the level cast soft-edged shadows, but also searchlights can scan around the room. One of the characters is going to have a flashlight on its gun, so if you're in a dark room, you'll see the beam searching around for you.

It's going to be straight action, but the theme of the game provides a much richer texture than other games in this genre. Everything will fit together well, all thematic to each of the disciplines. For instance, there is a Temple of Might, and the inhabitants will be solely concerned with using force to wage war against you. The environment will be suitable to creatures of Might: heavy, oppressive architecture and all very sturdy to withstand the amazing battles that take place within it.

Titania: Judging from the look and feel of Prey, it seems you're looking to create a contender for id's Quake. Was that the motivation behind Prey, or did something else influence its design?

Tom Hall: Well, if Quake didn't exist, we'd still be making this game. We set out to make a scary, intense sci-fi game with unparalleled action and user-customizability. The Prey engine or the Quake engine are the logical next step in making 3D games: computed lighting with polygon- based characters. We already did light sourcing in a limited fashion on the walls of Rise of the Triad, but here it is done in full splendor. :)

Titania: From what we're told, there's less than a dozen people who are physically working on Prey. Still, they encompass a wealth of talent. Was the assemblage of "elite" designers and programmers intentional, so as to make Prey a more advanced game?

Tom Hall: We're pretty much the people that worked on Rise of the Triad. That was our warm-up game. As far as having the elite, well, we try not to hire bozos at Apogee. ;^) William Scarboro is finally getting to do what he was hired for. He studied both computer science and high-end math, so he's the perfect person for making a 3D engine. It's weird, when you go through geometry and calculus and think, "When will I ever use this stuff?" Well, you have to use it all the time writing 3D games!

Titania: The engine used to create the game doesn't seem to be very similar to the Build engine, but technology is always evolving. What is this new engine called, and is it a relative of 3D Realms' Build technology?

Tom Hall: Well, we usually call it the Prey engine, but at times it's been called Tears (as in what our competitors will be shedding when they see how cool it is) and a bunch of other inside joke names. It has nothing to do with Build, except they are both 3D engines. The Prey engine is much more advanced. Without getting abysmally technical, the world is a bunch of polygons. A tree of these polygons is made by seeing what polygons are in front of a given polygon, and what ones are behind it. This allows you to know what things are visible from a given place. (It is so much more complex that this, but...) Then all those polygons are lit up by light sources placed in the level. I won't even go into how that is done. Let's just say it looks really cool.

Titania: Could you describe what this new Prey Engine is trying to accomplish?

William Scarboro: The whole idea behind the design of a graphics engine is to provide the most realistic environment possible for a first-person action-oriented game. We plan to achieve a frame rate in the game around the mid to high twenties on a P90. It also has to look incredible. Static environment lighting will provide close to photo quality, while real-time dynamic lighting will put an end to the dull, placid look of most games of this genre. Finally, there are no restrictions whatsoever on architecture, since the engine is true 3-D. Prey will take full advantage of this with impressive and very alien levels for the player to explore.

Titania: Some of the things depicted in current screen shots are ray traced lighting, unique architecture, shadows & detailed textures. Apparently this is an effort to make more realistic environments for tomorrow's games. What barrier's had to be overcome before this technology was developed? And what sort of visual and artistic advancements are you attempting to make?

Tom Hall: Well, first off, computers needed to have the number- crunching muscle to do all the calculations necessary. Now we have Pentiums. The formulas are all there waiting in books for anyone to read. The big problem is finding shortcuts and optimizations so that you still get perfect-looking places but you can also draw them fast enough to have a "fun" frame rate.

The lighting is just beautiful. As one of the level designers has said, "even if there were no monsters, I'd buy this just to walk around are see the environment." We're striving for a completely real-looking places, while setting a bold, alien style. You could call it Alien Industrial Gothic.

Everything in the place will look like it was made with thought behind it--not just a bunch of rooms! For a place to look real, it needs to look like someone a while ago actually made it, with some intent, alien thought it may be. You may not recognize everything, but it all makes some sort of intuitive sense.

Titania: Passing through the graphical content, what efforts are being made to compose a sound track and aural effects for Prey?

Tom Hall: The "music" will be more of a threatening alien atmosphere, sort of an ambient malevolence. That and the sound effects are being composed by our resident musician, Lee Jackson. We've got a few sound effects in now, and man, Prey is going to sound awesome.

Titania: A cornerstone of first person entertainment is serial gaming. Doom seemed to revolutionize the way we think about modem and network play. It seems that Prey will push the envelope even further in this regard. What features are being included so as to make Prey a terrific multiplayer experience?

Mark Dochterman: Prey will be a great multi-player game. The multi- player architecture has been built in from the start, which will mean multiplay will have our full attention, not just be a tacked-on afterthought. The type of gameplay we're designing for single play incorporates all the elements of an awesome deathmatch while still also being a cool one- player game. The enemies in Prey will behave as much as possible like a human player. They share the same weapons, and use the same ammo as you do. They will have intelligent tactics, and suffer the same needs as human foes. The multi- player game will not be a totally different game, but really the same game in which there are just more humans playing. Upwards of 30 players will be able to engage in a single Prey-match if the Prey server is being run on a separate machine. You'll be able to use the server machine as a client but at a loss of players (probably less than 10). Prey is also being designed for the Internet. Prey servers will be popping up all over the Internet. Hopping from server to server will be as easy as running around on the World Wide Web is now.

Tom Hall: Multiplayer network games have been around since the old UNIX Mazewar game, which was a little text maze you wandered around in, shooting other network players. That was over ten years ago. DOOM brought it to the mass market. With Prey, we are setting the game up from day one as multiplayer-oriented. When you exit a Prey level, you won't go to "level + 1", you'll go to what is basically a World Wide Web address. It may happen to be on your computer, but it could be on some far-away server. You could exit the level and find yourself in the virtual lobby of a company in Brazil or something. Users will have our level editor, as well as a built-in assembler, so they can make programs in any language that actually run IN Prey. Prey is going to be an awesome game, but it's also going to be an amazing development environment. You could even write a word-processor in it, if you really want to. Jim DosÈ is writing the code interpreter, and he's making it ridiculously powerful. He wants to be able to compile the compiler from within itself (kind of pointless, but it is somehow satisfying in a masochistic programmer way...). Jim also wrote the editor, and as you can see from the first levels, it works pretty well.

Titania: Beyond human players, what can you tell me about the game's AI? And what sort of opponents can we expect to face?

Tom Hall: We are taking steps to have the opponents think much more like human opponents. You both use the same weapons system. You both need health. Apart from a strong understanding of how to use things in the level, they'll also occasionally do things so intelligently, you'll swear you were playing against a human. We'll see how that goes.

The opponents will use many different tactics against the player, and it will be up to the player to figure them out, and figure a good defense and offense against them. Sometimes it will be brainless shooting. Other times, you'll need a lot of smarts to get out alive.

Jim Dose: Prey's AI engine is designed to be expandable on an extreme scale. We have a script based system that uses fully C-compliant script code. This allows us to program our actors in the same language we program the game in, plus it allows us (and those who buy the game) to create add on packs that completely change the way the game works. In a way, Prey is not only the game we're making, but it is also the game development system that we use.

Since we want the game to be this flexible, the player actually controls a camera which in turn sends its controls to an actor in the game. This allows the player to choose which character in the game they want to control. If they get tired of playing the 'hero' of the game, they can choose to play as a monster. You can also choose to have robot players cooperatively play along side the user, or they can play against you for deathmatch without a network.

Titania: What sort of weapons and tactics can be used to survive in this alien world?

Tom Hall: The tactics are borne of the six disciplines, which form a thing called the "Warrior Wheel". To fight against a certain discipline, you must practice its opposite.

Weapon-wise, we will have a set of incredibly awesome-looking weapons, and also weapons that are more like tools.

Titania: Any other features of interest?

Tom Hall: We are really dedicated to making each part of Prey of the highest quality. The engine is great, the sound will be awesome, and the gameplay, most important of all, has to be superior. There are a few advancements we don't want to talk about yet, partly because we want to be the first to have them, and partly because they are in development and we're not sure which path we'll take with them!

Titania: Prey seems to be on a smooth road so far. There's news that you're already working on the network play capabilities. Is there a demo in the near future? Give me a rough estimate as to when Prey should hit the shelves, or perhaps a status on current completion.

Tom Hall: We're mentally oriented towards Christmas, but realistically, we'll probably wrap in Q1 next year. We won't put it out until it is the game we want it to be.

Titania: Do you think Prey will be "the next big thing"?

Tom Hall: Well, I can't really predict the future, but it has a number of innovations that will make it a remarkable game, and it is open-ended, so it can be enjoyed with enhancement packs and user-created stuff for a long time. The "next big thing" is usually something that the media embraces and gets behind, and that's how people get to know about it. One of the few next big things that didn't really develop this way was Wolfenstein. That really grew from grass roots and word of mouth.

Prey is going to rock. Lots of people are really going to like it. That's about all I can predict. It'll be somewhere between a rather successful game and a virtual movement that will take over the world. Somewhere in there. ;^)
February 5, 1998 Adrenaline Vault interview with Paul Schuytema:
The Light at the End of the Tunnel:
An Interview with Prey Producer Paul Schuytema

Written by:
David Laprad

In the summer of 1995, 3D Realms' online representative Joe Siegler offhandedly mentioned in a short FidoNet post that the company had just completed the programming of a Quake-style engine, and that they were commencing development of a game that would have "all the bells and whistles" of id Software's upcoming title, and more. Poor Fido must have choked on what followed. Within hours, the BBS message network was overflowing with questions from zealous gamers wanting to know every minuscule detail. They wanted to know how many weapons there would be, what kind of monsters were in the game, and what the levels were like; essentially, they asked Siegler to list every detail of what players would see, hear, and do in the game from beginning to end. In a fit of hilarious absurdity, some even declared, "Your game sucks! Quake rules!" Siegler's innocent message appeared a full year before Quake was released, and by the time aging players actually sink what teeth they have left into 3D Realms' elusive masterpiece, over three remarkable years prior to the release of the actual game.

At the time, no one had heard of portals, 3D graphics acceleration was barely a gleam in John Carmack's code, and current Prey producer Paul Schuytema was buried in the cornfields of Illinois (as far from Texas as one can be), teaching writing, multimedia authoring, and 3D animation at Monmouth College. Several months following the FidoNet incident, 3D Realms made the announcement official and released a small set of test screenshots. To no one's surprise, they looked, smelled, and tasted just like the Quake screenshots that had been flooding the Internet for months, and followers of the game were underwhelmed. Still, Tom Hall, formerly of id Software, was named producer, and everyone assumed Prey had entered its critical phase of development.

Not quite. Something was happening between the lines of engine-developer William Scarboro's code. The powers that be at 3D Realms, specifically founding owners Scott Miller and George Broussard, were growing dissatisfied with the technology and the direction of the design. That is, the inconsiderable amount of design that was actually taking place -- the game was in a state of immutable stagnation, going nowhere. Something was wrong, and it took a disaster to set things right. A few month's following Quake's release in the summer of 1996, a significant portion of Prey's development team, including Richard "Levelord" Gray, programmers Mark Dochtermann and Jim Dose, and artists Robert Atkins and Mike Hadwin, decided to start fresh with their own company; they wiped their hard drives clean, made an infamous midnight exit, and never looked back. Hall parted under more amicable conditions, agreeing with Broussard and Miller that he was not creatively appropriate for the project, and joined John Romero to form the almighty Ion Storm.

Not long after the stampede to what were assumed greener pastures, Broussard and Miller declared Prey would be a 1998 release. That announcement, made in late 1996, was considered by many within the 3D gaming industry be a subtle admission of failure. However, scathing e-mails and newsgroup messages declaring Prey's demise went in one modem and out the other as 3D Realms rolled up its sleeves and reinvented the game. From the very first line of code to the farthest reaches of its narrative, Prey ceased to be just another Quake clone, and became the buzzword for the next generation of technology. It also marked the emergence of a new conceptual paradigm for 3D games that includes complex, ethnically accurate characters and an epic science fiction-based chronicle. Suddenly, everyone was talking about portals, and 3D Realms boldly announced that their title would not just benefit from a 3D graphics accelerator, it would require one.

Like life-saving surgery, the departures removed that which was detrimental to the energy and spirit of the game, and the company infused the afflicted title with new blood, bone, and creative strength. Scarboro, who was left alone on the project after the departures, never lost faith, and delved into research and development for the game's new, cutting edge engine. In the fall of 1996, Schuytema, impressed with the technology, the game's concept, and the design freedom he was offered by Miller and Broussard, was successfully wooed from the MechWarrior 3 project. Together, Scarboro and Schuytema recruited Polish-born programmer Tom Pytel and 2D artist Scott McCabe. With E3 looming ominously in the near future, the valiant foursome cemented the core design, got the engine running under hardware, and nailed down the major low-level systems. (Even the grandest of schemes must be built upon a firm foundation, and Pytle's initial tasks were programming the rather unglamorous archiving routines, system management routines, memory managers, and video system. Nothing to write home about, but vital nonetheless.) The next additions were 3D artist Allen Dilling and environmentalist Matt Wood.

This prepared the team to blow the doors off the Electronic Entertainment Expo, where the industry would learn that Prey was very much alive and well. Two versions of the game were shown, an impressive rolling demo on the main floor, and an earth-shattering, real-time version in an invitation-only back room. Many who emerged from the back room were incapable of speaking, and could do nothing more than shake their heads in astonishment and walk off in search of something, anything that would return them to reality. The reaction was universally positive, and gave the team their first, tangible validation concerning the new approach. It was a shining moment, and solidified their intent to create a classic.

Immediately after E3, programmer Loyal Bassett and environmentalist John Anderson joined up, and just recently, the final team was nailed down with the additions of 3D artist David March and environmentalist Martinus, who will be joining the rest of the group very soon. No one who has been following the development of the game needs reminding that 1998 is upon us, and it seemed the perfect time to discuss with Schuytema the current state of Prey. While he passed on divulging any specifics concerning content (hey, it never hurts to ask), he openly and enthusiastically discusses several key concepts regarding the game's development, and provides intriguing insight into what players can expect from this highly anticipated title.

Work in Progress

AVault: Thank you for taking time to speak with us regarding this monumental project. As Prey enters its critical period of development, what is the emotional and creative condition of the team?

Schuytema: The team is fired up! We ended 1997 with an important milestone, and a whole lot of brainstorming over the last few weeks has helped us craft a great vision of the task ahead and the game as a whole. We have a ton to do, but can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

AVault: The blueprint of Prey is unfolded before you. What portions are complete, where have you only just begun to draw in the lines, and are there any empty spaces awaiting inspiration?

Schuytema: Nice metaphorical question! There are really no places on the blueprint devoid of lines. We have addressed the vast majority of technical issues, and if something is not implemented yet, we have certainly tested several approaches that will be in the coming months. Prey is actually represented by two blueprints. We have the game, Prey, and we have the technology, PreyTech. Both blueprints have been drafted side-by-side. On one hand, the process of crafting a game and crafting a game technology are very different, but we have found that inspiration often crosses over. A cool addition to PreyTech may lead to a design innovation, and vise versa.

AVault: Is PreyTech still a work in progress? If so, how difficult are the dynamics of integrating engine updates with already completed design work? Is material discarded as new features are implemented, or does the overall design take shape in tandem with the maturing technology?

Schuytema: As with any game based on new technology, the engine will remain a work in progress until we burn the gold master. Even then, we will probably have some ideas that we will have to sit on until Prey 2. That stated, a vast majority of the game's engine is complete, as is a large portion of the design. Both the design and the technology dovetail very nicely, and most of the cool "design wish-list" ideas that we have come up with will actually make their way into the game because of the flexibility of PreyTech.

AVault: Provide a brief, easily digestible definition of Portal Technology.

Schuytema: Prey is much more than our Portal Technology alone. We have wide-sweeping innovations in all areas of development that will help us deliver one hell of a game experience. Still, here is the ten-second overview of what Portal Technology means: Portal Technology is a fundamentally different way to build a true-3D engine. Instead of pre-processing our geometry into BSP trees and potentially visible sets, we deal with our geometry in real-time. We noticed a major limitation in the previous approaches. Since major amounts of geometry were pre-processed, it was immutable in the game. Dealing with geometry in real-time means it can all be dynamic during the play experience. The easiest way to visualize Portal Technology is to think about rooms connected by doors and windows. The rooms contain the geometry, and the doors and windows are the portals. If you look out a door into another room, then you deal with that geometry. If you turn away from the door, then you no longer have to think about that geometry.

AVault: Do you have any concerns that, because of its extended development, Prey will lack genuine impact?

Schuytema: I would be an idiot if I did not keep a paranoid eye on the ever-creeping, bleed-edge of technology. In terms of Prey, we are not really into extended development at all. We started this project in Nov. 1996, and did not really move from research and development into the initial phases of development until Feb. 1997. To be blunt, we have technological edge to spare. That is not a cocky or boisterous statement, but rather an acknowledgment that PreyTech has been crafted over the last year with scalability and longevity in mind. There are things our engine can do that will not make it into Prey, not because of time constraints or anything like that, but because the engine has capabilities beyond current hardware.

The Anatomy of Secrets

AVault: Do you find it hard to contain your enthusiasm when something cool comes to fruition? Do you ever want to blather all over the Internet how earth-shattering Prey will be, and why? We know you are keeping secrets from us...

Schuytema: Hell, yes, I am keeping secrets from you! In fact, I am opening a notebook right now and reading some of those secrets aloud, but you cannot hear me. Oh, here is an interesting one. "Instead of having weapons..." OOPS! I almost let that one slip! I have to admit that it kills me to keep quiet on all the coolness of this game. I love to talk, and nothing gets me more jazzed than Prey, but I have to bite my tongue. I do this for two reasons: the first, and most obvious, is that in this competitive environment ideas will get ripped off. It has happened already. In fact, we even put something in our earliest screenshots of Prey as a test. It was a cool idea that was not going to make it into the game because we already had a cooler idea, but we wanted to see if it would appear anywhere else, and it did. The second, and most important reason, is that I am sick of the over-hyping of games. I enjoy reading about games in development, but honestly do not want to know the plot, weapons, and creatures I will face. I want that to be a surprise, and I want Prey to be a surprising and wondrous experience for our players.

AVault: Why are you using the term "environmentalist" instead of level designer? Will the mappers be complimenting the revolutionary technology with some radical new directions on 3D game design?

Schuytema: We use "environmentalist" as our term of choice because of the way PreyTech deals with environments. The term "level" is not really a technologically-limiting term anymore, it is just an artificial construct. The entire game could be one immense, persistent environment if we wanted it to be. While that would work for a role-playing game, it is still probably not the best design choice for an action game.

AVault: You have mentioned that Prey will contain an intense, epic science fiction storyline. Who is primarily responsible for writing the story, and what influences are being drawn upon? How far into the future can you see this story extending?

Schuytema: The story universe is being designed to live well into the future. We think we have enough interesting things going on that the universe can support games and fiction well beyond even Prey 2. The story and universe is one of my primarily responsibilities. As for influences, that is hard to pin down. We do not want this universe to appear derivative. Of course, we want a universe that has the far-reaching, story-telling potential of the Star Wars universe. The story of the game itself is drawn from the German tradition of bildungsroman, or "novel of adventure." Personally, I have always been a fan of the character interactions of Orson Scott Card, and I am striving to create characters and situations that achieve this same level of resonance and power.

AVault: A considerable amount of attention is being given to developing an ethnically accurate character in Talon Brave. Does this represent a hard right turn for 3D Realms, following the fuss over the Asian-based character Lo Wang in Shadow Warrior?

Schuytema: I am not going to label this as any kind of shift in company dogma. For Prey, we gain a lot more out of ethnic accuracy rather than ethnic caricature. The heritage of the Apache tribes is ripe with opportunity for this story, and on a more surface level, since this story is meant to be serious and engrossing, our player will identify with Talon Brave more fully if he is seen as a real human being and not some stereotypical amalgam of traits.

May 13, 1998 Gameslice interview with Scott Miller:
Name: Scott Miller
Company: 3D Realms
Title: Owner/Partner

Scott Miller started programming games in 1975, the year this interviewer was born. Wow. Having made over 100 games to 1990, and co-authored he then quit his day job to start running Apogee Software full-time.

From then onwards, things have only got better, with the Duke Nukem phenomenon and the cultivation of the much-respected 3D Realms development brand. And with Prey and Max Payne forthcoming, it seems the future looks bright.

So, GameSlice's Game Design has managed to procure a most interesting interview with the owner/partner of Apogee/3D Realms, dealing with Prey, Remedy, and that nice man Duke Nukem himself.. process this.

GD: How much of a say do you think the more senior management of a company (such as yourself) should have in the design of a product?

SM: In our company, the two owners, George Broussard and myself, are intimately involved with game development.  George is the project leader on Duke Nukem Forever, and I handle games by our by our external teams, such as Balls of Steel by Wildfire Studios (in Australia), and Max Payne by Remedy Entertainment (in Finland).

George and I have a long history of creating/coding our own games, back when one person did it all (multi-person teams really didn't become a given until the late 80's), plus we were involved in the game industry in other ways, such as arcade managers and professional writers.  We even tried to start a gaming league for the top players in the early 80's, which would organize tournaments like the PGL, but then the arcade industry had it's first crash in 1983 and that killed our effort.

Basically, George and I *are* developers--game designers, more specifically--who happen to own a business.  We've both been playing and designing games since 1978.

GD: Should companies employ separate games designers, or does the role integrate nicely into existing job titles?

SM: We don't employ dedicated game designers, but that's not to say that they're not necessary at all game companies.  Our approach is to settle on a game concept, and every developer on the project gets to have their influence on the design of the game.  We have project leaders, such as George on the Duke games and Paul Schuytema on Prey, who help filter the appropriate ideas and shape them into a usable form--not every idea from every developer can be used, after all.  (We invented a phrase several years ago, "shit filter," which refers to a person's ability to recognize good ideas from bad ideas.  People with bad shit filters let bad ideas get into their games.)

So, at 3D Realms, a project leader is the closest thing to a dedicated game designer, but really the roles are quite different.

GD: Why so many add-on level packs for Duke Nukem?

SM: Simple:  They keep selling.

Our marketing manager at our Duke Nukem publisher, GT Interactive Software, recently remarked that anything they slap "Duke Nukem" on sells.  If you combine all the different Duke versions, Duke add-ons and the number of Duke games that we sell direct, Duke would be the top selling game since its release nearly two years ago.  As an game property, Duke is probably one of the top five in all of gaming, right up there with Mario, Lara Croft, and Flight Simulator.

GD: Does having a major Apogee/3DRealms external developer like Remedy such a darn long way away (Finland!) make things tricky? How have you tried to get round this problem?

SM: It's not too tricky, thanks to the Internet and email.  Plus, they've come to visit several times and we meet at every E3.  The Internet has compressed the world into a much smaller space.  We get milestone CD burns from Remedy every month, and have a round of discussions based on the current state of the game.  Mark my words:  Remedy will soon be recognized as one of the world's leading independent PC developers.

GD: Do most publishers know anything about games? (heh, is this a leading question?)

SM: A better question is this one:  Do the key decision makers at most publishers know a good game from a bad one?  My answer is "no."  For example, you recently interviewed a CEO who, when you asked if he had time to play his own company's games, said: "Not really. I do a few hours of each game, but that's it."

Is there any wonder why this CEO's company releases such hit and miss games?

The problem with most large publishers is that the CEO's and V.P.s are not from a developer background, they're most likely business, marketing and financial people, and don't have a long track record of game development and playing games.

We had one of these V.P.s visit us right before Duke Nukem 3D was released, looking at our games to see if we had anything worth porting to consoles.  This guy passed on Duke, not seeing it's potential, and thinking it was just another DOOM clone.  He simply didn't understand all the new innovations Duke brought to the genre.  He no longer works for this company.

GD: Do you think there'll be 'copycat' new companies trying to emulate G.o.D (the new 'publisher' conglomerate that 3DRealms/Apogee have pledged support for)? Or do you think the rest of the industry will have trouble breaking away from their current business model?

SM: I think established publishers will not attempt to copy g.o.d.'s business model, simply because a key element of this model is a board of directors mostly comprised of developers.  The board's job will be to maintain a priority on developer concerns, such as royalty rates, developer ownership of intellectual property rights, and pushing the developer's name ahead of g.o.d.'s name.

GD: It's noticeable that not that many companies have tried emulating Apogee's innovative business model.

SM: The reason few developers have copied Apogee's shareware marketing and direct sales methods is because most publishers do not allow developers to do what we do, because it cuts the publisher out of a good portion of the game's revenue.  G.o.d., though, will help developers with selling their games via shareware, by having its own order taking and fulfillment division.

GD: If you could steal one coder for your company, who would it be?

SM: I have the utmost respect for John Carmack as a coder.  He amazed me back in 1990 when Apogee first brought id into the shareware industry. Over the years that we worked together I spent a lot of time talking to John picking his brain and trying to figure out how he came upon his innovative solutions to problems other coders couldn't solve--trying to understand his genius.  He was always three steps ahead of anyone else in the industry.  His strength is not in his programming skills--it's in the fact that he's very accurate at predicting which future technologies are most important and appropriate to pursue.  John probably has better binoculars than anyone else in this industry.

GD: When you managed an arcade location early in the eighties, which games were the most popular?

SM: Even people born after the early 80's know which games we played back then, such as Asteroids, Missile Command, Defender, Joust, Xevious, Battlezone, Tempest, Galaxian, Centipede, Zaxxon, Gravitar, Space Invaders, Scramble, Robotron, etc.  The key back then is that gameplay mattered, simply because the graphics sucked and couldn't carry a game. Nowadays, graphics must play too important a role, which is a distraction from the depth and polish of the gameplay for game developers.

GD: And did you sneak round after work with the keys getting plenty of free credits? :)

SM: I didn't wait until after work, I played constantly *during* work hours!  :)  And, yes, even after work I played, allowing all my friends to play for free, too.

GD: Do you think you started promoting "Prey" too early?

SM: Not at all.  Prey is actually two projects.  The first one was cancelled after a year of struggling with which direction to take it.  The second and current Prey incarnation has very little to do with that first project called Prey, because it has entirely different objectives, and a new staff running the show.  When Prey is released, it will have been a two year project, which for a game as ambitious as this, is not too long.  Plus, unlike some games long in development, like Stonekeep and Descent to Undermountain, Prey when released will be a cutting-edge game in both gameplay and technology.

GD: Capcom or Namco - which rules more?

SM: Namco in the 80's, Capcom in the 90's.

GD: How's the sports car quotient at your company going compared to those show-offs at ID? 0:)

SM: I think overall our developers are a bit more pragmatic than those at id, and don't necessarily want expensive show-off cars.  We've had our Ferrari-owning exceptions, though.  ;)

GD: "Balls Of Steel" - what makes it stand out?

SM: Five tables, compared to one table in most PC pinball games, such as the Pro Pinball series.  Also, we didn't set out to make a 100% pinball "simulator."  Instead, Balls of Steel adds many cool, animated features that are not possible with the real game--we take advantage of the fact that this is a computer game, and do very cool things like breathing dragons, burning buildings, ball-eating monsters, exploding enemies, morphing table features, and even a table that can be totally submerged underwater with floating landmines.

GD: There seems to have been relatively few releases on Apogee recently - is this down to lack of good material submitted to you, or because you want to concentrate on a small number of projects?

SM: Apogee is basically retired as a game label.  We've decided to focus on our 3D Realms division for now, because we think 3D games are where all the action is at.

GD: Why do people identify with Duke Nukem?

SM: He represents the kick-butt nature buried in all of us.  He's a fantasy that we all wish we could sometimes be like.

GD: And finally.. give us your "State Of The Gaming Nation" speech. What's been good, and what will continue to suck?

SM: If you've got money to burn, things are good because advancing hardware technology will mean incredible new games (at least, great looking games) are around the corner.  If you don't have the money to keep up, you might not be able to play coming new games.  Progress is a double-edged sword.

Finally, I think more and more developers and publishers are realizing that they cannot rush out a game without months of polishing the gameplay, and this will result in better games for us all.

GD: Thanks!
June 1998 CGW interview with Paul Schuytema:
3D Realms' First Hardware-only Game Looks Very Impressive
by Ken Brown

In 1996, CGW's contributing editor on game design, Paul Schuytema, and I marveled at a game called PREY, which was running at 3D Realms' offices just outside Dallas. We were there to see the nearly-finished DUKE NUKEM 3D, but PREY, even in its infancy, caught our eye. It promised many innovative features, such as a true 3D environment, dynamic lighting and shadows, and robust inultiplayer options, including the ability for players to chat and exchange resources online. The game failed to materialize in time to "blow QUAKE away," as 3D Realms' president George Broussard predicted, but Broussard had no way of knowing that part of his team would defect to create a startup. Arid I had no way of knowing that Paul Schuytema would leave CGW and become the PREY project leader.
Obviously, the game has gone through revolu-tionary changes since then, but perhaps the most exciting change is that PREY will be a 3D-only game, requiring a 3D graphics card to play. The company is betting that when PREY ships early next year, most serious action garners will have a 3D card.
The PREY team is working feverishly in preparation for this year's E3. But by relentlessly playing the "CGW alumni" card with Schuytema, he finally agreed to send some never-before-seen screenshots of the game and answer the following questions.

CGW: What is the storyline in PREY?

Schuytema: Talon Brave is the central character. He is a modern-era Apache who lives on a small reservation in northeastern Arizona. He has real depth, a real back-story, and real problems that he's fac-ing. We're going to great lengths to research Native American cul-ture, mythology, language, and traditions to make Talon believable.
Talon is abducted and ends up on a Trocaran mothership. The Trocara are three diverse alien species who use the same mothership. This ship is gigantic in scale and has some design similarities to Larry Niven's Ringworld. It's not as large as the ringworld, but it's about four times the diameter of Earth.
Each of the species gets a third of this ship, and this third contains not only interior space, but atmosphere-holding exterior areas roughly equal to the surface area of Earth. In addition to the three species, there is also a fourth, rather mysterious group called the Keepers. They "live between the cracks" of the Trocara, and part of the adventure is to discover their role in the universe.

CGW: What will the PREY engine be able to do that you can't do with the QUAKE II engine?

Schuytema: Our Portal Technology yields capabilities that just aren't present in the WI engine. We deal with all of our geometry real-time, meaning that everything has the potential to be interactive - every wall, every floor, every polyhedron. Our portals can be dynamic, meaning that these "rips in space" can do just about any-thing you can imagine. Because we use portals to break our world into manageable chunks, our GSEs (game space engineers) can burn far more polygons on detail areas if they choose.
There's also Preditor, our content-modeling tool - it allows our GSEs to create insane interactivity. The cool thing is, we're giving it away with the game.

CGW: What will the system requirements be? What 3D APIs do you plan to support?

Schuytema: We're not committing to specs yet, but PREY will be a very scalable game, able to run on a wide range of systems. If you've got a robust Pentium with a quality 30 accelerator, you'll run the game just fine.
As for 3D APIs, we will do a native 3Dfx version, as well as an OpenGL version. We may directly support a few other cards, depending on what shakes out in the card market over the next few months.

Developer: 3D Realms
Publisher: GT Interactive
Target Release Date: 01 '99
Engine: PREY
Synopsis: You play Talon Brave, a modern-era Apache from Arizona, who is abducted by aliens and has to fight his way back to Earth.

FEMME FATALE - Talon readies himself as a female warrior prepares to charge through a portal transmitter.

BRAVE GUNNER - Talon Brave surveys the city outside the immense Trocaran mothership. His body is composed of 1,000 polygons.

June 24, 2006 Eurogamer interview with Tim Gerritsen:
If you haven't seen Prey in action yet, you really ought to take a look. For those who aren't familiar, it's a new first-person shooter with a sci-fi feel and an interesting take on boring old gravity - and it's heading to PC and Xbox 360 later this year.

The storyline revolves around Native American garage mechanic Tommy, who finds himself trapped aboard an alien spaceship with a personality all of its own. It's your job to rescue Tommy's girlfriend and find a way off the ship, together with the help of a ghostly hawk by the name of Talon. Luckily, you're armed with all sorts of mysterious Spirit Powers to help you in this task - not to mention an arsenal of really quite exciting guns.

We sat down with Tim Gerritsen of Human Head to ask him all manner of questions including what makes Prey different from your average FPS, why there are only two multiplayer modes, and whether a console controller can ever really beat the old mouse-and-keyboard combo... Read on to find out more.

Eurogamer: What sets Prey apart from other first-person shooters?

Tim Gerritsen: There are several things. There's the reluctant hero who isn't a space marine or a soldier, but rather just a man put in a position where he has no choice but to survive. There's the story told from a first-person point of view, where the hero is active and talking [about] the story that unfolds around him.

There's the use of Death Walk to get you back into the game after you've died, but without requiring you to replay an entire section of the game.There's the unique level design that throws out the usual laws of physics and places you within a living organism.

There's the use of Talon, your spirit totem to assist you as you navigate through the world. There's the setting, high above Earth, where you are constantly reminded of the menace that faces your loved ones. I could go on and on...

Eurogamer: The game seems to have a bit of an Aliens feel to it - were the Alien films an influence on you? What other films have inspired you?

Tim Gerritsen: Specifically, HR Giger was a big influence on us. His ability to create a look that is at once biological and mechanical had a huge influence on us visually. We were inspired to create a unique look of our own that captured his spirit without specifically trying to ape his style.

Star Wars and its unique blending of spiritual and science fiction elements was also a big influence on us, as was Fire in the Sky, an abduction movie that finely captures the ever-present sense of fear in a totally alien environment.

Eurogamer: Where did the idea for the 'living ship' come from?

Tim Gerritsen: That came early on. We felt that by making the ship you are abducted to a living entity, it gave us more opportunities to evolve the story beyond the usual science fiction drama. Getting the right look for that ship took much longer and was far harder.

Eurogamer: Can you explain a bit about the Spirit powers? How do they work, and at what points are they likely to prove useful?

Tim Gerritsen: The spirit powers that Tommy learns during the game are Spirit Walk, which is the ability to leave his body and travel as a spirit. He leaves his body behind (leaving it defenseless and subject to attack) giving his spirit [the power] to travel semi-invisibly to by pass enemies (or sneak attack them), and to interact with key objects in the real world.

The next spirit power is Death Walk, which is what happens if your physical body is killed. Your spirit travels to a plane of existence between our world and the next and is forced to fight to return to the real world, where it can rejoin your physical body.

The final major spirit power is your spirit totem, Talon. He is a hawk that acts as your translator but also your companion, who defends you during battle by seeking to distract your enemies.

Eurogamer: What exactly is 'portal technology'? What are the portals for?

Tim Gerritsen: Portals are used in various ways. The most obvious one is as a door between two points that enemies can travel through to attack you. Other portals are more subtle - they are used to change the physical setup of the world and make it something very different from what you see in our world.

Others may be invisible to the player entirely, but I don't want to give too much away regarding that.

Eurogamer: What's your favourite weapon in the game, and how does it work?

Tim Gerritsen: My favourite weapon is the hider weapon, a sort of acid shotgun that shoots out the yellow glowing gastric juices of one of the enemies you fight. A lot of people like that gun, though I think the playtesters like the flexibility of the leech gun - a gun that sucks the power out of energy nodes on board the starship, creating different shooting effects depending on the type of power drawn upon.

Nearly all of the weapons have some sort of organic component to them as well, which creates both a visual interest and 'ick' factor when seeing them in use.

Eurogamer: Why are there only deathmatch and team deathmatch modes? Why not capture the flag, or something more original?

Tim Gerritsen: Prey is predominantly a single player game, and we didn't want to divide our focus by trying to add on a ton of half-baked modes to multiplay.

Instead we decided to focus on making Deathmatch and doing it right. We reasoned that if we did a good deathmatch mode and got it right, and released the editor and SDK, we'd be in a far better position to create or support new modes down the road.

If we delivered a bad multiplayer experience, and few people cared about it, we figured there would be no point - since future development would never happen. This is the strategy we saw Valve use with Half-Life and we feel it worked very well in their case, thus proving our theory.

I think too many developers of limited size and resources like us try to throw in everything but the kitchen sink, thus creating a multiplayer that is quickly forgotten. We didn't want to do that.

Eurogamer: How does the anti-gravity element of the gameplay affect the way multiplayer matches play out?

Tim Gerritsen: It's not really anti-gravity so much as different gravity, and it's the key to why our multiplayer is fun. By throwing out the typical rules of gravity, we created multiplayer situations where you really have to be thinking and reacting at all times.

We were very concerned early on that players would become overwhelmed by this feature, but in test it has proved to be easily adjusted to by most players and a hell of a lot of fun. Any game where you can be standing on one surface, while every other surface in the room has it's own localised gravity is a different experience to say the least.

Eurogamer: What are the main differences between the Xbox 360 version and the PC version?

Tim Gerritsen: Both versions use the same source content though some of the visuals on the 360 use the medium PC quality settings for performance reasons. The 360 version has fully integrated Live support while the PC version uses the traditional user server based play.

Of course there's the controls as well. The PC version was designed for keyboard and mouse while the 360 uses the controller, though we tried to make sure the controls on each were adjusted so as to be comfortable and feel natural to the player. Outside of these differences, however, the experiences are very similar.

Eurogamer: A lot of hardcore FPS fans would say you can never have a truly great FPS on a console, because nothing can beat the mouse and keyboard combo. How would you respond to this?

Tim Gerritsen: I believe Halo laid this to rest with a strong FPS experience on a console. For the super fast twitch style player who rules with a keyboard and mouse, however, I don't think anything will ever make them accept the controller/console experience.

For the mainstream gamer, the controller-based FPS is a lot of fun. Bad controls are bad controls, however, regardless of platform. For the 360 we worked with Venom to make sure the basic controls felt smooth and we followed the Halo setup as the guide. We also made the controls customisable with several different presets and easy adjustibility of the controller sensitivity to make the experience unique to each person who plays the game.

Eurogamer: Last time we saw the game we noticed there were two difficulty levels - 'Normal' and 'Wicked'. Are you familiar with the meaning of 'Wicked' when used within South-East London?

Tim Gerritsen: No, I'm personally not familiar, so pardon my ignorance on that. That's an unlockable version of the game that has actually been changed to Cherokee mode. The original use comes from another 3D Realms game - Max Payne - that had a similar unlockable mode.

Basically, the game has its own dynamic difficulty adjustment system that adjusts upwards or downwards on a limited scale based on how the player is doing. Once you finish the game, you unlock Cherokee mode, which is far harder - there are no health pick ups, less ammo, and everything is set to a harder level so you can really challenge yourself after you've played through the game.

Eurogamer: The PC demo has just been released? What can players expect from it?

Tim Gerritsen: It's a fairly large demo. Not necessarily in terms of size, since it clocks in at about what most demos do these days, but in terms of how much content. We've shipped with two multiplayer maps and the first five levels of the game. You get to see a fair bit of the game in action to get a feel for it.

If you buy the full game, though, the demo save games work with the final version of the game (at least on PC) so that you don't have to replay sections if you don't like.
July 11, 2006 Creative interview with Ed Lima:
Interviewee: Ed Lima, Former Audio Director at Human Head, Audio Lead on Prey

Developer: Human Head
Publisher: 2K
Game Title: Prey™

Q1: What was your role on Prey and what other games have you worked on in the past?

I was Audio Lead on "Prey", which means I was responsible for everything you hear in the game, including sound effects, music and voiceover. I also directed the voiceover actors, and contributed some additional writing to the game. My previous titles include "DOOM 3", "007 Nightfire", and Empire Earth.

Q2: Prey has had an interesting development cycle, was there any old content you inherited from the old "Prey" that was being developed by 3D Realms? Or any direction from back then for sound design?

As with most other elements of "Prey", 3D Realms very generously gave Human Head free reign to do what was required. Since the monsters, weapons and settings were all newly created for the game, all of the audio content was similarly built from the ground up. We did use some original Grandfather voiceover in our first E3 2005 trailer for "Prey", but beyond that, every audio asset is brand new.

Q3: What were the challenges in developing a game like Prey, which has such diverse and out of this world environments?

Science fiction settings are always fun and challenging to work in for sound designers, since we basically have carte blanche to produce whatever crazy effects we can think of. "Prey" features a unique combination of science fiction, organic, and natural exterior environments, plus interesting and original enemies and biotech weapons, all of which provide a unique playground for sound.

Q4: Are there any particular effects or levels that you like the most?

I'm quite proud of the voice acting in "Prey". We were very lucky to cast such a wonderfully talented group of actors, all of which really got into "Prey's" unique premise. I think the taunting alien voice in Tommy's head and accompanying sound effects are a high point in that regard. I'm happy with how the alternate sniper fire on the Hunter rifle turned out, too.

Q5: What role does 3D audio play in Prey?

"Prey's" unique 360-degree settings and visceral gunplay happen all around Tommy all the time. 3D audio is essential to helping the player get his or her bearing in the crazy topsy-turvy world of the Sphere. OpenAL goes a long way towards accomplishing this through its tightly pinpointed 3D panning system. Sounds are much more clearly pointsourced in OpenAL than in the game's default sound system. This provides an additional benefit to multiPrey gamers, since they'll have a better bead on where their enemies are.

Q6: How was OpenAL and EAX® ADVANCED HD™ used in Prey and how does it add to the experience?

OpenAL and EAX ADVANCED HD had been implemented into Prey about a year and a half ago. This allowed us to really fine-tune and craft the 3D audio experience to suit OpenAL's and EAX's strengths. OpenAL gave us the hardware acceleration we wanted for full 3D sound effects and the EAX allowed us to add in nice Multiple Reverb effects to spice up all the sound environments in the game.

Q7: Have you tried the game on a Sound Blaster® X-Fi™ and if so, how does it sound?

Most of the sound design was created with the X-Fi™, and the entire game was mixed on an X-Fi Fatal1ty card and Gigaworks speaker system. If players want to live the true "Prey" sound experience as it was intended, the Sound Blaster X-Fi is a requirement.
August 15, 2022: Scott Miller interviews Paul Schuytema:
Q: Please give a quick few sentences on how you got into the game industry and what you're up to nowadays.

I've always been a "rules nerd" -- I love how rules, overlaid on free play, can create something magical. So I've always been a game designer and my first ever solo game design was for a miniatures skirmish game set in the time of Peloponnesian War. That was way back in 1974! Ugh, that makes me feel old.

At the end of grad school (I earned an MFA in science fiction writing), I got the chance to take over Orson Scott Card's Gameplay column in Compute magazine, and from there grew into more game writing -- for Omni, Computer Gaming World (CGW) and other publications. I ended up serving as the contributing editor for game design for CGW and did a monthly column called "Hex, Bug & Rock 'n Roll."

I was also writing game strategy books for Prima and Sybex and doing some game design consulting (most of that for a company called The Other 90%) when I quit my job in academia and got my first full-time gig as lead designer for Mechwarrior 3 at FASA Interactive in Chicago.

After my work on Prey, I took the long entrepreneurial road to open up my own PC development studio: Magic Lantern Playware. We had our main office in rural Illinois and a satellite small office in Dallas. We ended up shipping out about 20 games over the next seven years. From there, I had the honor of starting and running the Center for Creative Software Development for the University of Illinois Extension and did some solid "serious game" development.

Right now, I serve as the Executive Director of the Economic Development Alliance of Lincoln County (on the central coast of Oregon). It's my "third career" -- doing rural, small-town economic development -- basically, playing SimCity with real money. But I constantly use game design to help me think through and model complex economic scenarios and situations. Once a game-geek, always a game-geek!

Q: How did you first make contact with Apogee (or did Apogee first make contact with you... if so who made the contact)?

Now that's an exciting story! I fell in love with Duke Nukem 3D -- and got to do several stories on it for CGW, even traveling to Garland to meet you and George and the Apogee team. I remember asking George: "At what point in the development did you realize you created magic and had a monster hit on your hands?"

I wrote a long, detailed piece on how to create levels in the Build Editor for CGW, even modeling a multiplayer level of the student center at Monmouth College (where I was teaching at the time).

Fast forward to working at FASA Interactive and I received an email from you! You liked the depth I had in the Build Engine piece and I guess you got a sense of my game design chops, and you made me an awesome, dream-job offer. So we rented out our house and I packed up the wife and kids and we headed to Dallas.

Q: Were you a fan of Apogee's Duke Nukem 3D -- did this help your decision to join us?

As mentioned above, I was a Duke fanboy. At FASA Interactive we played multiplayer Duke every day, testing out new levels we created.

Q: And what attracted you to working with us on Prey?

I wanted to be a part of it (the wild and wooly frontier of PC gaming), and wanted a chance to help make Prey another great hit in the unique sub-genre of character-based first-person-shooter -- truly an Apogee creation. I was also fascinated by the design challenges and opportunities and the chance to work with some cutting edge engine tech.

Q: How big was the team when you first joined, and when the project was at its peak?

When I first walked into the offices in Garland, TX, it was essentially lead programmer William Scarboro and me. William had an office... I was in a large open room that would become the team bullpen. Pretty soon, you guys brought in coder-savant Tom Pytel (who wrote a DOS extender as a young teen -- who does that!?) and 2D artist Scott McCabe.

At the peak, we had about a dozen folks on the team, plus a few artists who would pinch hit on multiple titles being developed for Apogee.

Q: Prey had an amazing showing at E3 in 1998 when the press got to see portals in action for the first time. What were your impressions after that E3? Did you think the game was truly going to be something special?

1998 was the most amazing year for Prey at E3. Since the first time we showed the Prey engine at a Computer Game Developers Conference (I think it was at the Rendition booth), portals were in there and working as an essential element of the tech, but they weren't called out explicitly.

At E3 '98, we had a back room demo, running real-time, that first showed off portals as a design element (designed to blow people's minds!), and it was amazing just watching folks’ jaws hang open. No one had ever seen anything like that.

The first killer moment was when we showed off the portal mine, that let you drop a mine that opened a portal -- you could then drop the "sister" mine and open a rift in space. We would drop the mines so that when the portal opened up, you could see your own character from a side view -- you could raise your gun and shoot yourself. It blew people away.

The second killer moment of that demo was after we had showed off everything, we'd have them sit down and we'd spin a monitor towards them and ask if they wanted to try out multiplayer. They had no idea multiplayer was working and we'd run around blowing each other up for a while... we all knew we were seeing magic happen at the time!

Q: In your opinion, what were the key innovations and attractions to Prey?

The first was evolutionary -- riffing off what Apogee did with Duke 3D and continuing on the idea of having a first-person shooter with a strong central character.

I'd like to think that we raised the bar even further on first-person story telling.

The key tech innovation was clearly the portal -- it was a new way to organize 3D space in real time. But it did require some skill and knowledge of the level designer (we tried calling them "game space engineers" -- a term that caught on as well as "fetch" in Mean Girls), otherwise they'd bog the screen rendering down.

We had a pretty amazing level editor and scripting system that, coupled with portals, allowed us to design interactivity never seen before.

Also, the lighting system that William Scarboro created allowed a level of realism that had never been seen before.

Another cool aspect of the game was our dynamic soundtrack system that would mix a custom sound track based on what was happening in the game and where the player was. We got a chance to work with the band KMFDM who created some amazing modular music and themes.

Q: What 2 or 3 contributions did you make to the game that you were most proud of?

One of the most satisfying was working closely with lead programmer William on the early iterations of Preditor, our real-time 3D level editor. It was a real back and forth and together we helped design and implement a truly intuitive tool.

I'm also proud of how deeply story was embedded in the game -- I wrote a novella that was to become the flow of the game. And that writing-forward approach was unique and allowed us to test out mood, atmosphere and character development on words before it hit the small screen.

The other contribution I was proud of was the development of Level Plot Points -- a system to flowchart the flow through a level. It allowed us to design a level that worked with the flow of the story, but allowed our level designers maximum freedom, and helped guide them when they needed to come back to keep plot compression points to drive the story forward.

My final "proudest moment" was the level design competition that we created. We had folks from all over the country (and world) competing, getting excited about the game and submitting amazing levels. It was a great equalizer. It was all about the levels you could create and not about age, skin tone, ethnicity or anything like that -- just about the work. It lead to hiring Jon Anderson and Matt Wood, two great guys who have had long careers in the industry. We gave them that shot. How cool is that?

Q: Although the game ended up getting put on hold so that internally we could focus on Duke Nukem Forever, what were your feelings about working for Apogee during that time?

I LOVED working there. We were on the cutting edge of some amazing PC game development and the whole company was packed with enthusiastic gamers. We loved playing other folks games and experiencing the magic we were all creating across the industry. It was a heady time.

George and I did have a disagreement on team make up. We'd often joke about it. Imagine if you had two equally qualified game developers applying for a position. One was a young, inexperienced 18 year old, one was a married man of 35 with a kid. George said he'd take the 18 year old every time -- he has no life yet and wants to work all the time. I'd take the married man -- he's more grown up and responsible and can balance work and life. We agreed to disagree. :)

Q: The Prey project was resurrected a few years after you left. Human Head Studios started from scratch using Id's latest engine tech at the time and implementing numerous new features to the engine, including portals. The game took about three years to make and came out in 2006. Did you play this released version of Prey? And if so, any thoughts about it?

I did, and it was a solid game. Not quite a visionary as we imagined with the modified Trocaran Dyson sphere, but hey, it looked great, played well and it shipped! And the mystical plane walking was done really well. It's funny, but I worked with Tim Gerretsen of Human Head back at FASA Interactive. We shared a beer (or three) on my last day there before I headed off to jump into the world of Prey. Small world!

Q: The Human Head version of Prey definitely included many core ideas that were born when you were in charge of the project while it was at Apogee. Hopefully that made you proud?

It sure did. I imagine it must feel like a screenwriter seeing their movie getting made by another director. Your ideas are there but they added their own vision and ideas. I was honored to play a small part in it all.

Q: Can you share a cool story that maybe most of us don't know about regarding your time on Prey?

Well, perhaps you could file this under "innovative team management" or "boneheaded management." As our team was getting bigger, I wanted to do some offsite team meetings for bonding and to get the old creative juices going. One we did was at an indoor go-kart track in Dallas with high speed go-carts (you even had to get a special license to drive them). The team was so psyched and we practiced for hours on a driving sim -- I think it was MSoft's Monster Truck Madness -- beforehand.

When the day came, we had the track to ourselves. Wowza did we race fast! In that case, our virtual skills most certainly translated to the go-kart track and we were doing some insane racing. So much so that the track crew wanted to slow us down so the shook talcum powder all over the track (the track was smooth concrete). It didn't slow us down -- we were protected and had helmets -- we just went at it and spun out like crazy. They finally pulled us in, cleaned the talc off the track and let us have at it.

But don't ask me about the time when I tried holding a team meeting at a Dallas gentleman's club... that was a bad idea!

That's it, unless you have anything else you'd like to add!

One final thought, with the wisdom of hindsight. It really boggles the mind at how difficult what we were attempting to do with Prey actually was. We were simultaneously doing new 3D engine R&D (and building the tools from the ground up) while trying to create the game at the same time, all the while working with the nascent, constantly-changing technology base of 3D acceleration (from the 3DFX Glide API to the first iterations of DirectX). It really was amazing what we accomplished!

The hindsight comes from doing that same work in my own small studio, Magic Lantern Playware. It took us five published games until we had developed a stable and reusable engine for our future work. Back in those "Wild West Days," it certainly wasn't for the faint of heart and I have so much respect and awe at those cutting edge 3D programmers back then, not only at Apogee, but all across the industry.

IRC logs

George Broussard on #Duke3D - January 13, 1997:
*** GeorgB3DR ([email protected]) has joined #duke3d
*** D_Nukem sets mode: +o GeorgB3DR
<D_Nukem> Woha, Hi George!
*** _TheMAD_ ( has joined #duke3d
<GeorgB3DR> hey guys
<GeorgB3DR> wassup?
<Vadir> hi george
<_TheMAD_> hey!
<Vadir> ive never met u before
<Joris> Hello George
*** RingFingr ([email protected]) has joined #duke3d
<GeorgB3DR> Hi Vadir...
*** Mykle ([email protected]) has joined #duke3d
*** sammy2 ([email protected]) has joined #duke3d
<RingFingr>'s George...
<D_Nukem> George: Soo...can I get anything out of you about Pinball Wizards?
<Vadir> George i hear u r a fellow keyboarder
<RingFingr> An idea why Shadow Warrior has taken 3 years to develop?
<Joris> George: I hate to sound corny but I have a couple of CON questions
<Reptile> Cool dudes, George is here
*** LagWagon ([email protected]) has joined #duke3d
<Vadir> do u use the default keys
<Vadir> mousers keep kicking my butt
<GeorgB3DR> DN:  Not a big deal.  Just a new label for those kind of games
<sammy2> Can any body tell me where to get jetpack for the toxicdump?
<GeorgB3DR> Vadir:  Yup, only the top 2% of mousers have a chance :)
*** Mykle ([email protected]) has left #duke3d
<Vadir> :)
<GeorgB3DR> Ring: Typical problems.  It'll be real cool when it's out though
<D_Nukem> George: Does this mean you will be publishing many more pinball games in
  the future?
<Vadir> do u use the keyboard default setup
<RingFingr> :)
<GeorgB3DR> DN:  If we do, we'll have the label :)
<GeorgB3DR> vadir:  All default, cept jump and duck for medkit too
<Joris> GeorgeB3DR: could I send Todd Repogle a couple of CON questions... for an
<GeorgB3DR> Joris: don't have his email...
*** ATBrill ([email protected]) has joined #Duke3D
<D_Nukem> George: guys aren't making a big deal out of it like when 3D
  Realms came to.
<D_Nukem> Hi ATBrill!
*** Mykle ([email protected]) has joined #duke3d
<ATBrill> Hey D_N...  Been busy playing Diablo
<sammy2> help
<D_Nukem> This is what Joe Siegler had to say: "You're correct.  Another division.
   As for "the story", that's all we're telling for now."
*** LagWagon is now known as PCGamer
<Vadir> George: how often do u practice?
*** sammy2 ([email protected]) has left #duke3d
<GeorgB3DR> We just got the first round of voices into Shadow Warrior.  It's
   pretty cool...
<GeorgB3DR> Vadir:  Depends.  Sometimes I play daily.  but when we get busy,
   maybe once a week
*** Ironman ([email protected]) has joined #duke3d
<_TheMAD_> George: When is gonna be updated?
<D_Nukem> TheMAD: That's GT's site, not 3D Realms.
<GeorgB3DR> tehmad: is GT's deal.  Our site will probablybe
   more current
<Vadir> George do u use the shotgun mainly, and isnt the default keyboard
   setup sore on your hands especially when running,strafing,and shooitng at
   the same time
<RingFingr> George: What all kinds of vehicles are there in Shadow Warrior,
   and will the player get to create his/her own vehicles via Build?
<GeorgB3DR> I will update lot's of new SW shots soon, as we just got some new
   art in the game...
<_TheMAD_> yeah but having a page called after the game like that is nice
<GeorgB3DR> Vadir:  Guess I'm used to it after 3 years :)  Use rocekt inside,
   shotgun outside
<Joris> George: Have you heard of BDP then?
<Mykle> George: Will Blood be out at almost the same time at Blood? At first I
   was thought Blood was to come out a lot later, but now it seems like that
   is not the case
<GeorgB3DR> themad:  Yup, that's why we let them do it :)
<Mykle> Oops...meant SW stead of Blood
<Vadir> u have been playing duke for 3 years?
<D_Nukem> I saw that GT's release date for Blood was 3-28-97
<GeorgB3DR> Mykle: Blood will be out soon, Shadow Warrior a little later...
<Vadir> did u play it when it woz in development then
<GeorgB3DR> vadir:  of course...daily
<Ironman> Hey George, what's up?
<Vadir> whats the B£DR mean George
<GeorgB3DR> not much iron....
<Joris> George: Have you heard of BDP then?
<Vadir> B3DR i mean
<D_Nukem> George: So, Blood will be released, then in a few months comes SW?
<Vadir> George do u live in the USA? (im UK)
<Ironman> Brossard 3DRealms
<GeorgB3DR> joris:  Yes, I know of BDP
<GeorgB3DR> DN:  Won't be a few months....
<Joris> Georg: WEll, I'm their CON editor...
<Joris> Georg: Could you bring me in touch with Todd Repogle, I have a couple
   of CON questions... sorry for being so persistant ;)
*** |Goose| ([email protected]) has joined #duke3d
<GeorgB3DR> joris:  Todd is a hermit :) give me your email and I'll see if he
   wants to talk...
<GeorgB3DR> The cons are pretty explnatory and if you can't do it now with the
   cons, you can't do it
<NoCarrier> Brossard? Québec?
<Joris> Georg: [email protected]
<GeorgB3DR> NoC:  Dunno.  I think it's french descent or something
<|Goose|> hi everyone
<Joris> Thanks for the trouble George
<RingFingr> George: What all kinds of vehicles are there in Shadow Warrior,
   and will the player get to create his/her own vehicles via Build? (Think I
   asked before....but it didn't get answered...)
<D_Nukem> George lives near Dallas, Texas, USA
<GeorgB3DR> joris: ok.  don't count on help though :)
<GeorgB3DR> Ring:  You can create your own vehicles and put lot's of weapons
   on them
<D_Nukem> George: The guy who lives next door to Scott Miller was on here once
<NoCarrier> GeorgB3DR I comme from Québec...
<GeorgB3DR> Ring:  We have tanks, riot vehicles, bulldozers etc..
<RingFingr> Wow...sounds fun... :)
<GeorgB3DR> DN:  Yeah, I know that kid...
<NoCarrier> GeorgB3DR you work for 3Drealms?
<D_Nukem> George Broussard is the President of 3D Realms Entertainment!
<GeorgB3DR> NoC:  Yes, President and project leader of the games
<Joris> George: Be sure to mention I'm the author of the BEST CON hacking faq
   on the net... so the information he'll give me won't be just usefull for me
   but for everybody who reads the faq!
<GeorgB3DR> Ring:  The vehicles are a little limited (can't go up slopes, or
   cross sector lines) but they are still cool.  You can damage/fix them etc
<Reptile> Joris -- Overdrijven is ook een vak
<D_Nukem> George: Haven't heard much with BOS lately...anything new? What's
  the expected Q of compleation?
<Joris> Reptile: hehe
<Reptile> GeorgB3DR -- When will Plutoinium Pack be in The Netherlands?
<RingFingr> Oh'll be fun to barrel down the street in a huge jeep
   with riot guns on 4 sides with my buddies, destroying everything.... :)
<GeorgB3DR> DN: "When it's done".  Shareware table complete with tons of
   speech and about to enter beta in a week.  Also being converted to Win95
   (if successful)
<GeorgB3DR> guys, I'm getting flooded with private chats.  Public please?
   Thanks... :)
*** ATBrill ([email protected]) has left #Duke3D
<D_Nukem> Yeah, lets us all hear the questions.
<RingFingr> George: Thanx for answering my question so thoroughly.... :)
*** PCGamer has quit IRC (Ping timeout for PCGamer[])
<Vadir> George: do u compete in a duke world championships or something, whats
   the competition like at the highest level?
<GeorgB3DR> Reptile:  Sorry, duuno.  That's GT's distribution deal.  Order
   direct from us and save the hassle
*** Joris has quit IRC (Read error to Joris[]: EOF
from client)
*** Joris ([email protected]) has joined #duke3d
<Ironman> George: you were right about TombRaider, I just finished it a couple
   of days ago (got it for Xmas) and it was incredible
<Reptile> Nice to see you Joris
<GeorgB3DR> Vadir:  The competition is fierce :)  We've played people from all
   over the world and maybe 2-3 have beaten us 3dr guys
<Joris> !voice
*** HyLo ([email protected]) has joined #duke3d
<GeorgB3DR> iron:  Yup, I'm moving on to Diablo now and see what it's like
<Reptile> GeorgB3DR -- Play agains Joris, he's the best
<Reptile> GeorgB3DR -- Play againts Joris, he's the best
<D_Nukem> Heheh, Joris is a little long distance there :)
<Joris> hehe
<GeorgB3DR> Yeah, but we hear that all the time :)
<Ironman> Diablo's free website server is an interesting feature....mmmm,
   maybe others should attempt it
<Vadir> mattcake is good
<|Goose|> i invite ppl to come to ports 5000-500
<Joris> Well, I am actually ;)
<D_Nukem> Joris: Have you ever lost?
<Joris> lost?
<Vadir> i like to play people better than me, so i can pick up tips and learn
   from my mistakes
<Vadir> i dont mind getting beat till i get to a higher standard
<GeorgB3DR> vadir:  THat's the best way to improve.  Gotta get your butt
   kicked by better people
<Joris> what's losing?
<Vadir> yeah
<D_Nukem> Oh, :)
<NoCarrier> Were are the secret in level PIGSTY E4L5?
<Vadir> its funny actually i used to think i woz the best duke player in the
   entire world unitl i started meeting duke players on the net
<GeorgB3DR> No:  behind the judge's bench
<Ironman> George: any new things coming out soon?
<NoCarrier> Comme on help the (PEASE OF CAKE) player...
<GeorgB3DR> iron:  Shadow Warrior
<D_Nukem> George: Any word on Stargunner Registered's shipping? The Stargunner
  page says Mid-Jan.
<NoCarrier> George: I got this one... anny more...
<GeorgB3DR> DN:  I thikn we just got cd's 2-3 days ago.  They should be
   shipping soon
<Ironman> NoCarrier: hit space bar at the picture on the wall
<Joris> Hiya Iron
<D_Nukem> I heard this NoCarrier guy was looking for kextract...
<GeorgB3DR> DN:  Check that.  Those were Xenophage/DRally cd's.  THe SG cd's
   are due "any day"
<NoCarrier> Georg: U have finish Shadow Warrior?
*** SkiBum ([email protected]) has joined #duke3d
<GeorgB3DR> If Shadow Warrior was done, it'd be out and you'd be playing it :)
<Ironman> When does Beta testing begin on Shadow Warrior? Next week once the
   sound/voice stuff gets in?
<NoCarrier> D_Nukem... i found it... Right on my CD...
<GeorgB3DR> As it is, it's my daily personal hell :)
*** PCGamer ([email protected]) has joined #duke3d
<NoCarrier> :)
<D_Nukem> NoCarrier: Oh, okay, sorry.
<GeorgB3DR> Iron:  Probably early Feb...We are nearly done with SW layout and
   now just need to tweak
<Reptile> Nice to see you PCGamer
<NoCarrier> George Sorry... I was a question
<NoCarrier> sorry for my english...
<Ironman> Hi Joris. find those keys yet?
<PCGamer> Same thing for you Reptile!
<GeorgB3DR> Polly Vu, "When it's done", NoCarrier :)
<Joris> I found the keys allright...
<Joris> But don't know where to use them...
<Ironman> I think Shadow Warrior will be the next Duke and Blood the next Quake
<GeorgB3DR> Neither Blood nor Shadow Warrior are as advanced as Quake...
<Joris> I think Prey will be the next Quake...
<Vadir> George: Whos the worlds best duke player? or is there a top ten list
   or summit?
<NoCarrier> George: Dont stop  i like your game... But i dont like QUAKE...
<Joris> No, no, no... Quake will be the one BEFORE Prey ;)
<D_Nukem> No no no, they will all be better than Quake!
<GeorgB3DR> vadir:  Dunno.  It depends on the day they play.
<Vadir> yeah
<Vadir> i can be ace 1 day then not so good the other
<Joris> Georg: Quake is better than Duke but Duke is more fun than Quake..
<GeorgB3DR> vadir:  There are many top lists.  TEN, Kali, CompuServe
   etc...Wish there was a "world" list for Duke
<NoCarrier> i comme back later...
<NoCarrier> bye bye
<Vadir> bye
<Vadir> George r u planning on coming in here more often?
<RingFingr> I wish Duke had something similar to Quakeworld...
<Vadir> i realise u will be very busy
*** NoCarrier ([email protected]) has left #duke3d
<GeorgB3DR> vadir:  I get by here once a week at least...usually
<Vadir> ok
<D_Nukem> Vadir: He has been coming in here a lot(In Nov in Dec), but not
<Vadir> ta d_nukem
<GeorgB3DR> ring:  TEN has had persistant rankings for Duke for awhile now.  
   THat's a cool thing about TEN play.  Your rank stays
<Vadir> George do u play duke on a 20" monitor?
<RingFingr> George: Yes....but QW is FREE....TEN is NOT... :)
*** Mykle is now known as Myk-EATS
<GeorgB3DR> vadir:  21'' at office.  17 at home
<Reptile> GeorgB3DR -- Are you a Watcom programmer?
<GeorgB3DR> ring:  such is life ....
<Joris> Reptile plays duke on a 21"
<GeorgB3DR> reptile:  Don't have time to code anymore.  Mainly lead the teams
   and might make a map or two from time to time
<Joris> Ring: what's QW?
<Ironman> Diablo has a server too and Quakeworld keeps track and they are all
   for free. That would be nice George. You might as well spend some of the
   money you are making on a server of some sort
<Vadir> could u go over you rexact keyboard pattern quickly for me please
   george for whatever u have modified eg - v=medipack etc (if u have a spare
<jvolmax> when is Shadow Warrior comin out
<Reptile> GeorgB3DR -- Did you make any Duke Nukem maps?
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<RingFingr> George: Perhaps...but with paying for a 2nd phone line and $21 for
   net access, plus being a musician and buying new guitars and amps, I have
   no spare money...
<PgOoPoT> hi!
<D_Nukem> jvolmax: "When it's done" :)
<GeorgB3DR> vadir:  default kbd, except jump/duck mapped to medkit too.  
   pretty simple
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<Vadir> ok thanx
<RingFingr> jvol: WHEN IT'S DONE...thank you... :)
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<Ironman> SHOP-N-BAG! That is one of my all time favorite maps
<GeorgB3DR> ring:  understood....TEN's not for everyone...We are looking into
   the "free" internet play thing
<menace> anyone here have DukeAtomic??
<Joris> Ironman!
<jvolmax> not me
<GeorgB3DR> iron:  Yup, I just wish I had made it a little smaller.  But it
   was my first
<Joris> Ironman: bdpmeeting on powwow
<NoCarrier> Yes we got it all...
<Joris> Ironman: join at brad's address
<SkiBum> Will Shadow Warrior even run on a 486, just not very well?
<PgOoPoT> yes nocarrier... we got it all ;)
<Ironman> invite George
<PgOoPoT> atomic...plutonium... we got it all ;)
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<jvolmax> george, when u gonna leave?
<GeorgB3DR> ski: We are not locking out 486's.  But a Pentium is REQUIRED.  If
   you buy SW for a 486, you aren't going to get very fast rates (if it
   playable at all)
<GeorgB3DR> jvol:  a few minutes....
<menace> oh...Well can someone tell me how to run the fake multiplayer?
<jvolmax> k
<LevelMast> Hey George
<GeorgB3DR> menace: "Duke3d /a /v1 /l1 /m /q2"  Duke3D ? for options
<PgOoPoT> george... wil you make a new improve version for win97 later this
   year.. cuz now quake will now be realese for win95
<GeorgB3DR> Level....
<NoCarrier> Georgeb3dr : i got a 486 dx4 100 ? It will work? as duke?
<SkiBum> Guess it's time to buy a pentium
<jvolmax> i got pentium
<GeorgB3DR> NoC:  No.  Shadow Warrior needs more cpu speed that Duke did.  
   Lot's more...
<PgOoPoT> nocarrier: you'll have to steal a computer at your job ;) (joke ;))
<GeorgB3DR> A P90 should be considered the minimum for Shadow Warrior.
<_TheMAD_> George: you have any solution for playing duke in dos with a
   Plug-n-pray modem without Win95 in the background
<menace> Thanks Georg
<GeorgB3DR> themad:  No.  does it not work?  I have heard that some PNP modems
   won't work.  So much for compatability
<PgOoPoT> will duke3d work one day under win95?
<D_Nukem> Plug-n-Prey you mean? :)
<NoCarrier> PgOoPoT i gonna thing about that! What is your compurer again?
<PgOoPoT> shdow warrior will be, for some of people, the best 3d game, is it
   right (better than quake)?
<Booger> duke works for me in win95
<Vadir> :)
<GeorgB3DR> pgoo:  Probably not. Duke 3D is done for the most part..
<PgOoPoT> ok, thanks
<Vadir> duke3d is already a classic game im my opinion
<PgOoPoT> george: which guy are you on the pictuer on the reverse of the duke
   nukem 3d cd?
<GeorgB3DR> pg:  See the legend on the manual inside back cover
<_TheMAD_> some PnP modems?!!!!! All of them I guess..
<NoCarrier> Vadir like Dune2 and Wolf and War2...
<jvolmax> PnP modems?
<Ironman> the pig cop!<G>
<Vadir> George do u play duke on a P200 i assume or something else?
<GeorgB3DR> themad:  Dunno, but we all play modem Duke and under Win95 at the
   same time.  NEver had a problem
<PgOoPoT> they don't say george :(
<PgOoPoT> yes, scuse me ;)
<PgOoPoT> excuse me george
<GeorgB3DR> vadir:  P166 most of the time
<_TheMAD_> I had tons of problems before with 1.3 but now with 1.5 it seems to
   go ok
<jvolmax> george: do u play alot of Duke3d
<D_Nukem> George: Do the people making BOS have a company name?
<Vadir> War2 is ok nocarrier
<GeorgB3DR> themad:  Ken also fixed a modem bug on 1.4/1.5 that helped connect
   problems.  Maybe that was it
<Vadir> prefer duke and C&C, and red alert though
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<GeorgB3DR> DN: Wildfire Studios is making Balls of Steel...
<Oche> Hi
<GeorgB3DR> Any last questions guys?  About to go eat...
<NoCarrier> George: U want to byu Westwood? For the realease RA?
<Reptile> GeorgB3DR -- One more question : What are you going to eat?
<jvolmax> do u have any release dattes for Shadow Warrior?
<Vadir> George? What do u think of the new shrinker add on gun. i dont like
   it. its dissapointing for me
<GeorgB3DR> Noc:  huh?
<LevelMast> hhaha
<LevelMast> Nice question Reptile :)
<NoCarrier> George: cool to talk to you...! thanx...
<GeorgB3DR> reptile:  I'll let you know "when I'm done" :)
<Booger> poor george :) he can't have any peace on here
<Reptile> GeorgB3DR -- When are you done?
<NoCarrier> hehe!
<Ironman> thanks for stopping by George, see ya later!
<GeorgB3DR> later guys...
<jvolmax> seeya george
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*** Ironman ([email protected]) has left #duke3d
<D_Nukem> You can't go by release dates, I was planning for Prey to be
  released in 1997, I thought a whole year would fit the release, but not for
  Prey :)
George Broussard on #Duke3D - January 20, 1997:
*** GeorgB3DR ([email protected]) has joined #duke3d
*** D_Away sets mode: +o GeorgB3DR
<MikeDu> :)
<MikeDu> Hey George!
<GeorgB3DR> hi all
<HyLo> Hey George
<Vadir> hi george
<MikeDu> So, you guys actually working today, or what, George? :)
<NoCa|[AW]> Hey george!
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<GeorgB3DR> anything going on?
<NoCa|[AW]> Whats new?
<GeorgB3DR> mike:  We work every day....
<NoCa|[AW]> Yea...
<Vadir> george do u have a demo u could give to an op to forward on to us
<MikeDu> I know, George...
<GeorgB3DR> he he
<Vadir> a duke demo i mean
<GeorgB3DR> vadir:  Nope...
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<Vadir> ok thanx
<GeorgB3DR> demo of what?
<NoCa|[AW]> George can we play Duke v1.4 multiplayer + 1 ai?
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<MikeDu> George, do you have any contact with the guys at Monolith and Q?  
   Do you know what kind of feedback they're getting from their testers?
<GeorgB3DR> noca:  No, but it'd be cool.  Too hard to add in at the last
<GeorgB3DR> mike:  Yes, and the feedback has been fine so far
<Vadir> goeorge i tryed using a and z for the medikit, and it works great
   and ive kept it in my keyboard setup :)
<MikeDu> Just "fine", George? :)
<GeorgB3DR> vadir:  makes a big difference.  Some mousers I know set their
   controls to digital, and ANY mouse movement deos a medkit.  killer trick
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<dEEPZoNE> why??
<GeorgB3DR> mike:  Haven't seen the specific comments, but I know how beta
   alwasy runs.  Blood is a cool game
<Vadir> george do u ever strafe at all in duke3d, cause the default setup is
   murder for strafing and i had to make x and c my strafe keys?
<GeorgB3DR> vadir:  i strafe...
<dEEPZoNE> why did you kick me??
<dEEPZoNE> I only want maps...   :(
<dEEPZoNE> .........
<HyLo> what si the advantage of using the keyboard then the mouse? quiker
   access to keys?
<HyLo> si = is
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<Joris> goose
<Joris> I'm just testing script
<GeorgB3DR> hylo:  mouse is better than kbd.  I just never learned
<Vadir> george: what do u think of the latest shrinker expander add on? i
   think it it fun in 1 player but not really of much signifigance to the
   multiplayer game as the old shrinker does the job better - in my opinion
<NoCarrier> George: In Shadow Warrior, the ai player gonna be able to play
   whif the multiplayer ?
<GeorgB3DR> vadir:  haven't seen it
<dEEPZoNE> why did you kick me??
<dEEPZoNE> I only want maps...   :(
<GeorgB3DR> nocarrier:  Dunno if that's possible.  We will look at and see
<GeorgB3DR> the ai's in sw should at least be better balanced than duke's
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<HyLo> i liek the ais in duke
<HyLo> there medium challenged
<bwernicke> Heya George!
<HyLo> maybe have a difficulty setting for them in SW?
<Joris> Hiya Goerge...
<NoCarrier> George: i found the Ai player to good whif the gun!
<NoCarrier> George: Sorry for my english... i am a french :)
<Joris> Oops... George ;)
<Vadir> george how many years do u think it will be before shooters will
   have a game engine enabling your character to run in one direction while
   shooting to the side or even backwards? not neccessiraly virtual reality
<MikeDu> Just curious, George:  What IRC program do you use?
<HyLo> hehe steal mechs engin :)
<NoCarrier> Vadir, thats gonna be hard... Keep it easy...
<NoCarrier> hehehe!
<Vadir> it will happen though, its just a matter of when
<HyLo> maybe George is away ;)
<HyLo> version him Mike
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<MikeDu> That would be the easy way to do it :)
<HyLo> :)
<HyLo> i think he pinged out :(
<HyLo> YAY
<Vadir> god damn it
<Vadir> aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh
<HyLo> he is using the best IRC client <G>
<Vadir> well thats great aint it
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<Joris> George Ping reply 6 seconds...
<MikeDu> George!  George!  Come back to us!  George! :)
<NoCarrier> hehe!
<Vadir> george ping reply: 1 sec
<HyLo> or maybe hes pissing? :) <G>
<MikeDu> George is cool...
<Joris> George: I'm working on a DukeBot who can swim and fly and walk....
   why can't the pp bot do that?
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<NoCarrier> Joris: tell me when it's gonna be done!
<sparkie1> hi all
<HyLo> [GeorgB3DR R-U-COOL reply]: Yes i am the coolest
<NoCarrier> for the v1.4?
<Vadir> plus why dont the pp ai players use weapons other than the pistol
   more often
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<Vadir> has any ever played 8 ai players in redlight?
<NoCarrier> vadir, the ai are to good... they shoud use the mushroom from
   death rally....
<HyLo> i have
<MikeDu> Hey, George, can I be a beta tester?
<MikeDu> Wait
<MikeDu> Dooh...nevermind...
<MikeDu> (snicker)
<HyLo> i came in 4ht plave Vadir
<HyLo> ht = th and plave = place
<Vadir> have u ever notice there is always one in the rpg room just outside
   the corrider at the night club
<NoCarrier> nope... i like ti live...
<Joris> Vadir: Check out BDP's BOT! It's coming out soon
<Vadir> easy kill just chuck a pipebomb in and boom
<HyLo> yep thats weird
<Joris> Vadir: It will shoot most of the weapons and will have far more
   better ai than the PP Bots
<Vadir> that aint really very clever programming though
<MikeDu> I think George had to step away and corral the rowdy programmers
   playing nerf basketball down the hall...
<GeorgB3DR> vadir:  Could do that now, but I'm not sure the control systems
   exist/will exist to allow running one way and shooting another way
<GeorgB3DR> mike:  Mirc
<NoCarrier> hehe! maybe
<Vadir> the ai players in my opinion are just slight advanced baddies that
   can strafe and target well compared to the baddies from 1 player mode
<MikeDu> Woah...
<GeorgB3DR> joris:  We didn't have time for all that
<Joris> Vadir: hehe
<Joris> Vadir: i know
<Joris> Vadir: the pp bots are pathetic ;)
<GeorgB3DR> MikeDU:  We don't need any testers now.  Thanks
<Vadir> hey u swine
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<Vadir> i never said that
<MikeDu> 'Twas a joke, George
<Vadir> joris u r dead
<GeorgB3DR> Been on the phone
<Joris> No wonder george isnt' saying anything...
<Joris> hehe
<Joris> hehe
<HyLo> i was wrongin all ym guesses
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<bwernicke> George, how is BLOOD coming along?
<MikeDu> George, is it true you said you'd become Al Bundy if Shadow Warrior
   wasn't the best 3D game released since Duke?
<ChuPac187> Hi George!
<MikeDu> 3D, that is...
<GeorgB3DR> bwer:  Blood is coming along fine.  Should be ready soon, from
   what I hear
<Joris> Vadir: why?
<MikeDu> :)
<Vadir> <Joris> i am a crap duke player and cant accept it, i know you are
   better and im gonna get you, you little git!
<GeorgB3DR> Mike: I think that was in relation to a release date or
*** _TheMAD_ has quit IRC (7tH §p|-|ê®é 2.666 Mutha' Fucka')
<GeorgB3DR> Doomer:  I already have that Elmo file dude
<MikeDu> Ahhh...
<Joris> Vadir: how do you know I'm better????
<Doomer> heheh :)
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<ChuPac187> George... THere a relase for prey in 1997 or 1998?
<GeorgB3DR> Mike: Methinks also, that a beat tester is talking?  Maybe I
   gotta talk to Jason.... :)
<Vadir> joris no more fake messages ok
<GeorgB3DR> Chu:  Prey is 1998.  No more specific than that for now
<Joris> Vadir: what?
<MikeDu> Aye, you're correct, George :)
<Doomer> Is prey gunna be released this decade?
<Joris> Vadir: fake messages?
<Doomer> :)
<[NeXuS]> I know what your gunna say but... is SWarrior coming along and
   will it be out in the next month?
<bwernicke> How about Blood George?
<MikeDu> In fact, you recruited me from AOL about 2 years ago.
<GeorgB3DR> Mike:  Call me Kreskin :)
<MikeDu> Heheheh
<ChuPac187> George... Will prey's level editor be for dos or win95?
<GeorgB3DR> Nexus:  Doubt SW will make Jan/Feb, but it's getting close and
   we're polishing lotsa cool things now.  The voices add a whole new
   dimension to it
<Vadir> george do u play other games in your spare time and if so what type
   of games? r u a fan of c&c and red alert?
<GeorgB3DR> Chu:  Prey editor and game are all Win95 only.
<[NeXuS]> OKay cool
<ChuPac187> George, We cant run prey in a ms-dos mode?
<GeorgB3DR> Vadir:  I like Tomb Raider, Warcraft @, Red Alert, Diablo, and
   some Lucas Arts games
<ChuPac187> its win95?
<[NeXuS]> Any new info on Blood we can know about?
<Joris> gotta go... I'm gonna kick some kahn asses!!!!!! WHOHEEEE!
*** Joris ([email protected]) has left #duke3d
<Doomer> Diablo!
<GeorgB3DR> Chu:  No, we are dropping DOS after Shadow Warrior
<MikeDu> George, are you guys seriously looking into a type of
   thing for your future games?
<ChuPac187> George, What will be the win95 system requirements? i noticed
   win95 stuff gets low refresh rate :((
<bwernicke> George: Over 9000 downloads of shareware Duke from my site since
   September 14th!
<GeorgB3DR> Mike:  Not yet.  We will see how it all goes.  I think the best
   thing to do is setup like Quake did.
<MikeDu> Thanks, George.
<GeorgB3DR> is awesome, but it's very expensive to do that and I
   wonder how long Blilzzard will keep it free?
<MikeDu> Nod
<GeorgB3DR> bwer:  Cool...
<[NeXuS]> Any new info on Blood we can know about?
<GeorgB3DR> Chu: Prey won't.
<GeorgB3DR> Nexus:  I don;'t have any new Blood info right now
<[NeXuS]> k
<ChuPac187> George, will there be any games for the linux/freebsd/unix
   operating systems?
<bwernicke> Hey George, make sure that you visit #dukeppak once in a while
<GeorgB3DR> Chu:  No, we don't have the time
<Vadir> george if im being nosey then np probs just say, but what was the
   budget for making duke3d? and how much did it cost to make from the staff
   wages cost to the packaging, and how did it compare to say another game
   like quake for example?
<GeorgB3DR> Vadir:  I'm sure it was similar to Quake.  But I also know that
   id and us make games WAY WAY cheaper than most companies.
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<Hg> Well I'll Be Seein' you all later, i hafta go
<Vadir> can u elaborate on that any more in any way? eg actual figures or is
   that confidential information?
<Vadir> c u hg
<Hg> later
*** Hg ([email protected]) has left #duke3d
*** [NeXuS] is now known as [NeXaWaY]
*** jvolmax ([email protected]) has joined #Duke3d
<jvolmax> welcome
*** D_Away is now known as D_Nukem
<MikeDu> George, 87 octane, 89 octane, 93, or 94?
<MikeDu> grin
<MikeDu> Sorry...too many questions about gaming...
<D_Nukem> Octane? :)
<bwernicke> Heya D_N
<D_Nukem> Hi Brad!
<MikeDu> Yeah, Lon, why not?
<D_Nukem> Hi George Broussard!
*** MikeDu changes topic to "_.-*-._  George Broussard's in the house!
<MikeDu> :0
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<Vadir> people: jedi knight out in the states yet, cause it aint out in the
   UK yet? and when is the official release date if it aint out in the US?
<HyLo> hmmm
<D_Nukem> Not out yet.
<D_Nukem> And the official release date must be "When it's done"
<D_Nukem> I heard a spring release
<GeorgB3DR> cya, guys.  Gotta run.  too many phone calls today :)
<Vadir> whats every 1's favourite classic games from years ago? mine would
   have to be space invaders and populous
<Vadir> c u goerge
*** GeorgB3DR ([email protected]) has left #duke3d
<Vadir> thanks for taking the time to answer the questions :)
<HyLo> Bye George
<MikeDu> Seeya George...
<MikeDu> dooh

Press releases

November 20, 1998: Corrinne Yu is hired to work on Prey:
Garland, TX - November 20, 1998

Corrinne Yu joins 3D Realms as Lead Technology Programmer

GARLAND, TX - 3D Realms is excited to announce that Corrinne Yu has joined the company to lead the development of future 3D engine technology. Prey and Duke Nukem 5 (tentative title) will be the first games to use this technology.

Ms. Yu previously worked at Zombie as Systems Lead Programmer, and more recently worked a year at Ion Storm as Director of Technology rewriting and greatly enhancing the Quake 2 engine to meet the needs of Anachronox design goals, as well as being an aid to the graphics programmers of Daikatana.

"Corrinne is one of the industry's top 3D engine coders, with an exceptionally strong math and engineering background," asserted George Broussard, partner at 3D Realms and project leader for Duke Nukem Forever. "She's exactly the person we want to be leading our new technology development group, and we expect that it won't be long before she's properly recognized and rewarded for her skills and dedication as being one of the best in our industry."

"Several key points attracted me to 3D Realms," said Yu. "Obviously the success of the Duke Nukem franchise and Prey's goal of being a groundbreaking game, but definitely the freedom to develop a new and innovative 3D engine that will allow 3D Realms' talented designers to really strut their stuff."

"Corrinne is definitely one of the most innovative, experienced, and educated graphics engine writers in the industry," said Joey Liaw, who worked at Ion Storm as the Lead Programmer on Anachronox until recently leaving for college. "Her talent lies in being able to focus all of her resources into 3D engine programming: extensive knowledge of mathematics and physics, many years of leading development teams, high standards in coding perfection, and good gaming sense and taste."

3D Realms is starting a new technology development group that will focus solely on 3D engine development with the goal of providing this technology for internally developed games, and for licensing to interested third-party developers.

Said Broussard, "We think engine development requires its own dedicated team to do correctly, and that's the commitment we're making. We're very excited to have Corrinne on board to help us accomplish that goal."
March 18, 1999: press release from the Q1 1999 Games Central GT Digital Press Kit CD, with obsolete information from the document in the Duke Nukem 3D CD:
116 Baker Street

GT Interactive Press Release


Format: PC
Release: November 1999

Prepare yourself!

This is the game that everyone is talking about, and quite rightly so.
This is like nothing ever seen before and will rock the nation on release.

A dark, violent and intense science-fiction tale.

Using some amazing engine technology Prey will take you through the most breath-taking experience possibly imagined and back again.

Starring Talon Brave as a Native Apache Indian, you will guide yourself through some superb unreal worlds through new Portal Technology.


You are a successful Native American, fighting for part of what were your ancestral lands. When the ruling goes against you, you pack up your hammer and head out to the wilderness to contemplate your future and hope for guidance. Suddenly there is a blinding flash of light, your skin crawls with electricity and you black out. You wake to find yourself in a hostile alien environment. Strange creatures pour out of every crevice of the odd alien architecture, firing weapons of incredible might.

You must find out how to defeat them: Master the alien weapons, explore the foreboding battlefields to uncover the secrets, and discover what part you will take in this violent new world.


Matt Broughton, Lee Kirton or Simon Maflin
At GT Interactive.

[email protected] OR [email protected] OR [email protected]
April 1, 1999: French press release from the Q1 1999 Games Central GT Digital Press Kit CD, with translation:

SORTIE : Décembre 99

Préparez vous car une révolution est en marche !

Ceci est le jeu dont tout le monde parle mais ne sais pas vraiment pourquoi
C’est quelque chose que l’on a jamais vu et qui bouleversera le jeu sur PC

La technologie de Prey vous plongera dans un univers époustouflant et dans une histoire passionnante.

Vous incarnerez Talon Brave, un indien Apache, qui vous séduira par son histoire et vous fera découvrir des environnements fantastiques.

Vous partez à la reconquête de vos terres ancestrales et n’avez que l’espoir pour guide.

Format: PC
Release: December 99

Prepare because a revolution is underway!

This is the game everyone is talking about but don't really know why
This is something that we have never seen and that will upset the game on PC

Prey’s technology will immerse you in a breathtaking universe and an exciting story.
You will play Talon Brave, an Apache Indian, who will seduce you with its history and make you discover fantastic environments.

You are going to reconquer your ancestral lands and have only hope for guide.
April 26, 1999: German press release from the Q1 1999 Games Central GT Digital Press Kit CD, with translation:

Science-Fiction-Adventure im Elementen indianischer Kultur

Gamer können sich schon jetzt für ein aufregendes, düsteres Science-Fiction-Abenteuer wappnen, das 1999 für den PC erscheinen und alle bisher erschienen Spiele dieses Genres in den Schatten stellen wird. Mit einer beeindruckenden Engine und der neuen Portal Technology werden die Spieler in Prey in eine atemberaubende Geschichte hineingezogen; in der sie als Talon Brave, ein Indinaner vom Stamm der Apachen eine außergewöhnliche, surrealistische Welt erforschen.
Ausgangssituation ist der Kampf der Apachen um das Land ihrer Väter, an dem auch Talon Brave teilnimmt. Er zieht in die Wildnis, um in der Einsamkeit Aufschluß über sein Schicksal und das der Apachen zu erhalten und von den Göttern Beistand zu erbitten. Dabei wird er von einem Blitz niedergestreckt und verliert das Bewußtsein. Als er aufwacht, ist er in einer fremden Welt, umgeben von merkwürdigen Kreaturen, die sich mit futuristischen Waffen erbarmungslose Schlachten liefern. Talon Brave muß nun herausfinden, wie er sich gegen diese Wesen zur Wehr setzen kann: Dazu muß er lernen, mit ihren Waffen umzugehen, muß hinter ihr Geheimnis kommen und seine Rolle in dieser fremden und archaischen Welt erforschen.

Science fiction adventure in the elements of Indian culture

Gamers can already prepare themselves for an exciting, dark science fiction adventure that will be released in 1999 for the PC and will put all games of this genre in the shade so far. With an impressive engine and the new Technology portal, players in Prey are drawn into a breathtaking story; in which she as a Talon Brave, an Indian from the Apache tribe, explore an extraordinary, surrealistic world.
The starting situation is the struggle of the Apache around the land of their fathers, in which Talon also takes part. He moves into the wilderness in order to maintain information about his fate and that of the Apaches and to ask for the gods. He is struck down by a flash and loses consciousness. When he wakes up, he is in a strange world, surrounded by strange creatures that are mercilessly battled with futuristic weapons. Talon Brave now has to find out how he can defend himself against these beings: To do this, he has to learn to deal with their weapons, must discover their secrets and explore his role in this foreign and archaic world.
April 26, 2005: announcement that Human Head is working on Prey:
New York, NY - April 26, 2005 - 2K Games, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), and 3D Realms today announced Prey, a revolutionary first person shooter for PC and a next-generation console system in development at Human Head Studios, under the direct supervision of 3D Realms.

"The initial concept for Prey had been incubating for a while, waiting for the right opportunity to come along," said George Broussard, President of 3D Realms. "We jumped at the chance to create this game with a talented developer like Human Head Studios and next-generation technology like the Doom 3 engine."

Scott Miller, CEO of 3D Realms, added, "Prey is special for many reasons, including several new and original gameplay features and a tightly integrated story that packs an emotional punch, unlike other first person shooters."

"Our collaboration with 3D Realms has been enormously rewarding," added Timothy Gerritsen, CEO of Human Head Studios. "With their help, Prey is sure to breathe new life into the first person shooter genre with a compelling story, innovative gameplay mechanics and dazzling imagery, which is powered by our significantly enhanced version of id Software's original Doom 3 engine."

Prey will be exclusively showcased at this year's E3 Expo by ATI in a movie theater-style exhibition. For the world exclusive first details on the game, look for PC Gamer's June issue featuring Prey as its cover story, arriving on newsstands in early May. Prey is currently planned for a 2006 release.

Prey is a copyright © 2020 Microsoft Corporation.